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William Cronon’s Article "the Trouble with Wilderness, Or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature"

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William Cronon’s Article "the Trouble with Wilderness, Or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature"

In chapter eight we have another article from William Cronon, titled, “The Trouble with Wilderness, or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature.” In this article, Cronon boisterously accentuates his views on the present day definition of wilderness. He argues that prior to the 18th century wilderness was in fact a desolate and satanic habitant in which people should want nothing to do with (216). That disposition was drastically modified during the 18th century when wilderness was, and is to this day, believed to be “sublime” by nature, and even a sanctuary where God Himself resided (217).

To Cronon, the idea of wilderness has, in the past century, been diluted because of a newly developed concept; that it can only be found under pristine conditions. He criticizes this by saying that pristine conditions can be considered somewhat of a myth when being referred to in present day “wilderness.” Cronon’s most supreme personal annoyance was that people believe wilderness can only be found in National Wilderness Areas. When in fact, he argues, wilderness can be found anywhere: the tree in your backyard, the pond down the street, or anything else. He states that

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