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Workplace Violence

By:   •  Research Paper  •  764 Words  •  March 30, 2010  •  1,097 Views

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Workplace Violence

A major component of any workplace violence program is prevention. Program development and union involvement, are important parts of a workplace violence prevention program in government. There are specific measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of violent behavior.

The first question many people ask when starting to develop a workplace violence prevention program is, “how can we identify potentially violent individuals?” It is understandable that people want to know this -- and that "early warning signs" and "profiles" of potentially violent employees are in much of the literature on the subject of workplace violence. It would save time and solve problems if managers could figure out ahead of time what behaviors and personality traits are predictive of future violent actions. No one can predict human behavior and there is no "specific profile" of a potentially dangerous individual. However, indicators of increased risk of violent behavior are available. These indicators have been identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Profiling and Behavioral Assessment Unit in its analysis of past incidents of workplace violence.

· Direct or veiled threats of harm;

· Intimidating, belligerent, harassing, bullying, or other inappropriate and aggressive behavior;

· Numerous conflicts with supervisors and other employees;

· Bringing a weapon to the workplace, brandishing a weapon in the workplace, making inappropriate references to guns, or fascination with weapons;

· Statements showing fascination with incidents of workplace violence, statements indicating approval of the use of violence to resolve a problem, or statements indicating identification with perpetrators of workplace homicides;

· Statements indicating desperation (over family, financial, and other personal problems) to the point of contemplating suicide;

· Drug/alcohol abuse; and

· Extreme changes in behaviors.

Each of these behaviors is a clear sign that something is wrong. None should be ignored. By identifying the problem and dealing with it appropriately, managers may be able to prevent violence from happening. Agency planning groups should ensure that the appropriate staff member (or an incident response team) is prepared to assist supervisors and other employees in dealing with such situations.

Training is a critical component of any prevention strategy. Training is necessary for employees, supervisors, and the staff members of each office that may be involved in responding to an incident of workplace violence. Training sessions conducted by the agency's staff are particularly helpful, enabling employees to get to know experts within the agency who can help them when potentially violent situations arise. Employees and supervisors seek assistance at a much earlier stage when they personally know the agency officials who can help them. The following are types of training that have proved effective in preventing violence and other threatening behavior.

· Explanation of the agency's workplace violence policy;

· Encouragement to report incidents;

· Ways of preventing or diffusing volatile situations or aggressive behavior;

· How to deal with hostile persons;

· Managing

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