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Writers Profile of (your Name Here)

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Writers Profile of (your Name Here)

Writers Profile

Final Draft

The following paper is a writer’s profile of myself, (your name hear). It will describe how I have written in the past, how I write presently, and how I plan to write in the future. The following profile will proceed in that order. First let me tell you about some writing I did in high school.

When I think of English or Writing class, a couple of teachers come to mind. First there was Mr. Merchant. Mr. Merchant was very dry; he was a real hard-nosed teacher. Second there is Ms. James. Ms. James was very boring and not to mention very strict. These two teachers come to mind because I got along with them very well, but when it came to writing I was not motivated. I don’t know why I was never that motivated in English or Writing class. Maybe there were to many rules to follow such as spelling and punctuation (later I will discus how that still effects me today). Maybe it was just because I spent to much time doing other things I felt were more important. Either way I found it difficult to find energy to write.

When I think a little harder I can remember a couple of assignments given to me. These two assignment bring back completely opposite feelings. One of the assignments brings back a good sense of accomplishment, and the other brings back the feeling of stress and failure. First let me tell you of the more pleasant experience.

It was my freshman year in high school. Even though I don’t recall the teachers’ name, I can recall the assignment given to us. The class was told to write a fictional story about anything our minds could come up with. I was very eager to get started because I knew exactly what I wanted to write about, aliens. Aliens always intrigued me and I had just rented the movie “Fire in the Sky”, a movie about extra terrestrials. It was very fun doing research on the subject and coming up with my own ideas for the story. I spent a lot of brainpower coming up with a unique story about aliens and how they had made contact with earth. I had put a lot of hard work and effort into writing this story. When I got my paper back, I was very pleased with the grade at the top, A+. That was a grade well deserved for I had worked diligently. The assignment kept me motivated and eager to learn. To put it simple, it was fun. Now let me tell you of the paper Ms. James assigned to us, which was the exact opposite experience.

Ms. James gave us the task to go home and watch the movie “The Scarlet Letter”. After watching the movie we were to write a report on the movie that was to be a minimum of five pages long. She gave us plenty of time to write the report, two weeks. It felt like all the time in the world. I found myself putting it off until the night before the paper was due. I rented the movie the night before, around 5:00 pm. I stayed up until 4:00am finishing the paper. I did zero research, except for watching the movie, and put little thought into the report. I handed the paper in just a few hours after writing it. Needless to say, when I got that paper handed back to me I saw a well-deserved grade, F. This was a lesson well learned though. It made me think twice before putting off different assignments and tasks given to me now in my every day life. Now I’ll tell you how I use writing today in my life.

Today I don’t find myself writing fictional stories or papers on movies, but I do

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