By: jakobcochran • Essay • 410 Words • May 17, 2011 • 1,656 Views
More words probably been written on the plays and poetry of William Shakespeare than any other writer in the English language. If you have been assigned to write a research paper on Shakespeare, this means that you have very little chance of coming up with something completely original. On the other hand, it also means that a wealth of resources is available to you on just about any topic. Rather than getting a headache trying to come up with a subject that hasn't been covered, it may be better to choose a topic based on how much research material is easily obtainable.
The Curse of Macbeth
Better refer to Macbeth as "the Scottish play."
Attend a dress rehearsal of Shakespeare's play Macbeth and you will likely not hear it referred to by its title, but rather synonymously as "the Scottish play." The curse of Macbeth revolves around alleged bad luck occurring if the play is referred to by name inside a theater by any actor with a role in the tragedy. Research papers could delve into the history behind this legend and detail the most famous occurrences of bad luck supposedly related to the curse. A more ambitious project could seek answers that offer a rational explanation for the problems allegedly brought about by mentioning the name of Macbeth during a production.
Everyday Expressions
Research into Shakespeare's plays ultimately reveals that dozens of common expressions trace back to his plays. A research topic into Shakespeare could examine the influence of his plays well outside the domain of the theater. The angle of this research