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7 Habits Highly Effective People Essays and Term Papers


1,567 Essays on 7 Habits Highly Effective People. Documents 626 - 650 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: August 22, 2014
  • Color Complex - Persisting Effects on the Black Community

    Color Complex - Persisting Effects on the Black Community

    The “Color Complex” and It’s Persisting Effects on the Black Community As African Americans came to the United States the “color complex” was implemented upon them by their white captors. The “color complex” became a means for which white slave owners could divide and conquer their black slaves. With black slaves outnumbering whites on many southern colonies as well as in many of the Caribbean islands, such as Haiti, whites realized that they needed to

    Essay Length: 760 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Steve
  • Industrial Effects on the Environment in the Eu

    Industrial Effects on the Environment in the Eu

    Industrial Effects on the Environment in the EU Though pollution caused by careless industry practices has declined since the European Union began making environmental reforms, it still has a great bearing on water quality in Europe. Europe's continued reliance on coal and oil, high concentration of human population, and high commercial density are three major reasons for the present polluted water situation. Pollution of oil into marine environments, though largely caused by urban runoff, is

    Essay Length: 546 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Fonta
  • High Altitude Climbing

    High Altitude Climbing

    High altitude climbing is a very dangerous sport, well, we won’t call it a sport, it is more like a profession for highly skilled individuals. High altitude climbing is when mountain climbers decide that they want to climb higher and more difficult mountains. To do this they need the right training and also need to know the effects of high altitude climbing to their bodies. The body attempts to maintain a state of homeostasis or

    Essay Length: 1,990 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Mike
  • Cause and Effect Essay

    Cause and Effect Essay

    Cause and Effect Essay The bureaucratic decision-making process is an important component of foreign policy. The tendency of bureaucracies toward relying on standard operating procedures has had a negative impact on the outcome of foreign policy. A tendency toward relying on standard operating procedures is often the consequence of limited information, time, and resources. The bureaucracy is responsible for collecting and drawing together information, forming proposals, and making foreign policy. Within different agencies there exists

    Essay Length: 499 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: July
  • Effects of Stock Split

    Effects of Stock Split

    EFFECTS OF STOCK SPLIT Introduction The purpose of this research paper is information retrieval regarding stock split practice in a modern stock market, its major reasons and valuation effects on the company's financial position. According to the definition stock split is a method commonly used to lower the market price of a firm's stock by increasing the number of shares belonging to each shareholder. Companies are able to split their stocks in any number of

    Essay Length: 682 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Fonta
  • 7 Habits Paper

    7 Habits Paper

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a self help book that was written by Steven Covey and originally published in 1989. The 15th anniversary addition of the book was released in 2004. The book takes us on a journey through the stages of dependency, independency, and interdependency by way of the following seven habits; 1) Being Proactive, 2) Beginning with the End in Mind, 3) Putting First Things First, 4) Thinking Win/Win 5)

    Essay Length: 6,604 Words / 27 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Tommy
  • How to Treat Other People and Make Them Friends

    How to Treat Other People and Make Them Friends

    1) Do not cricize, do not condemn, do not recriminate: try to imagine why people do what they do. 2) Make common pepole feel important: sincerely appreciate what they do 3) Arouse your own will in other people: do not force other peope to accept your ideas, but make sure the same idea comes to their mind. 4) Be sincerely interested in other people: listen to what they have to say rather than talk

    Essay Length: 550 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Yan
  • The Greenhouse Effect

    The Greenhouse Effect

    The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect occurs when gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and CFCs trap heat in the atmosphere by acting as a pane of glass in a car. The glass lets the sun light in to make heat but when the heat tries to get out the gases absorb the heat. Holding this heat in causes heat waves, droughts and climate changes which could alter our way of living.

    Essay Length: 1,068 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Mikki
  • An Experiment into the Effect of Sugar Concentration on Osmosis

    An Experiment into the Effect of Sugar Concentration on Osmosis

    An experiment into the effect of sugar concentration on osmosis Background information Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane. The molecules will continue to diffuse until the area in which the molecules are found reaches a state of equilibrium, meaning that the molecules are randomly distributed throughout an object, with no area having a higher or lower concentration than any other. Plant

    Essay Length: 1,681 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Jack
  • Dehumanization of the Holocaust - What Kind of People Are We?

    Dehumanization of the Holocaust - What Kind of People Are We?

    Bradis McGriff War and Violence December 5, 2005 Mitra Rokni What Kind of People Are We? The Holocaust is one of the most horrendous crimes against civilization. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top officials decided to make their final solution a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the impure from the entire population. The impure included gypsies, homosexuals, lesbians, and the mentally ill. Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp

    Essay Length: 3,143 Words / 13 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Athe Rise and Effect of Single Parent Families

    Athe Rise and Effect of Single Parent Families

    The Rise and Effect of Single Parent Families Since 1970, our society has seen a shift in the family structure with an increase in single parent families in the United States. There are growing problems, which are affecting America; among these include the rise in single parent families. Most Americans would agree that part of their concerns for the nation is poverty, crime, and declining education. Children raised in single parent families are more likely

    Essay Length: 1,810 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Kevin
  • College and High School Basketball

    College and High School Basketball

    College and High school Basketball College and High school basketball are different and similar in many different ways the ways they are similar is that they both apply the same rules as far as being on the court goes and how the game is being played. For example there is still a traveling call, a three second in the lane call, and a ten second call if you don't pass half court in that amount

    Essay Length: 368 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Tommy
  • Television’s Effect on Society

    Television’s Effect on Society

    The introduction of television to society is one of the most significant social events in the twentieth century. The first advertisements for the television pictured a family gathered around the set with “Sis on Mom’s lap, Buddy perched on the arm of Dad’s chair, Dad with his arm around Mom’s shoulder” (Winn 352). Today, ninety percent of American households possess a television and the average American home has more television sets than people. The average

    Essay Length: 1,711 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Andrew
  • People Who Complain

    People Who Complain

    These rainy days have brought my mood down a bit. I want it to be warm and dry again so we can all wear skirts and go to the beach at night and play in the sand. However despite the lousy weather I know that clear skies are up ahead, eventually, so there’s no reason to sulk and complain about it. I feel bad for the people who are constantly sulking and complaining about their

    Essay Length: 303 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Jon
  • The Effects of Smoking on the Cardiovascular System

    The Effects of Smoking on the Cardiovascular System

    I am doing my cardiovascular patient education project on the cardiovascular effects of smoking. I decided that before I could properly and honestly educate a patient on the cardiovascular effects of smoking, that I should examine my own smoking habit and educate myself. I have been a smoker on and off for a large portion of my life. It all started when I was about 11 and one of my friends “liberated” some cigarettes from

    Essay Length: 1,248 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Top
  • Counterfactual Thinking and Its Effects on Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Self Efficacy

    Counterfactual Thinking and Its Effects on Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Self Efficacy

    Abstract Studies are examined in relation to counterfactual thinking and how it can ultimately have effects on various self-perceptions and emotions. Satisfaction among students and their grades have been linked with counterfactual thinking (consideration of "might-have-been" alternatives to reality). Movement of direction is also considered, specifically when considering rape victims and their thoughts of what they could have done to prevent the outcome, presumably leading to self-blame. Self-Efficacy is addressed in terms of how it

    Essay Length: 2,031 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Edward
  • How a Nebraska Boy Built an Island Empire with Other People’s Money-Jeffrey Prosser

    How a Nebraska Boy Built an Island Empire with Other People’s Money-Jeffrey Prosser

    HOW A NEBRASKA BOY BUILT AN ISLAND EMPIRE WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY-JEFFREY PROSSER Article Summary Jeffrey Prosser grew up in Falls City, Nebr. (pop. 5,000). He drove a bulldozer and spliced cable for the telephone company where his father worked. He got an accounting degree at the University of Nebraska. He went to the Caribbean at age 25 on behalf of some Nebraska investors interested in buying an alumina plant in St. Thomas. The purchase

    Essay Length: 970 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Victor
  • The Effects of Steroid Use by Adolescents

    The Effects of Steroid Use by Adolescents

    shall begin with the psychological dangers. The fact of the matter is that puberty effects more than just physical maturing, but also many personality characteristics that last your entire lives. Puberty is the period in which many influences, as well as practices will contain the most "sticking power". The problem is that steroids can lead to serious health problems, and that the sooner you start taking them the earlier the problems may occur. This is

    Essay Length: 546 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Jon
  • Effects of the Crusades and the Black Deaths on Medieval Society

    Effects of the Crusades and the Black Deaths on Medieval Society

    What Effect did the Crusades and the Black Deaths have on Medieval European Society/ Did the Effects Differ According to Region? Before the Crusades began Europe was isolated in many regards, but especially to trade. However, in the beginning, the Crusades started as a way for nobles to get out their frustrations and to stop feuding against one another and "Pope Urban may well have believed that the Crusade[s] would reconcile and reunite Western and

    Essay Length: 776 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Andrew
  • The Causes of the "glorious" Revolution and Effects on the Colonies

    The Causes of the "glorious" Revolution and Effects on the Colonies

    The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was a climax of events starting with the puritan-based rule of Oliver Cromwell during the 1650’s. Finally escalating, with the rise of William III of Orange and Mary II to English Regency. The Glorious Revolution had immediate and long-term impacts on the English Colonies, especially, Massachusetts, New York, and Maryland. After a period of religious and civil war in the late 1640’s, Oliver Cromwell, leader of the Parliamentary and Puritan

    Essay Length: 800 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Top
  • Effects of Poverty in Our World

    Effects of Poverty in Our World

    All over the world, disparities between the rich and poor, even in the wealthiest of nations is rising sharply. Fewer people are becoming increasingly “successful” and wealthy while a disproportionately larger population is also becoming even poorer. There are many issues involved when looking at poverty. It is not simply enough (or correct) to say that the poor are poor due to their own (or their government’s) bad governance and management. In fact, you could

    Essay Length: 1,583 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Vika
  • High Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled Through Healthy Eating

    High Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled Through Healthy Eating

    As blood flows through the body, it exerts stress on blood vessel walls; creating an effect known as blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured by “the force in the arteries when the heart beats (systolic pressure) and when the heart is at rest (diastolic pressure)” (American Heart Association [AHA], 2008, para. 1). An average healthy adult’s blood pressure has a measurement of 120 over 80 or less (AHA, 2008, para. 3). “High blood pressure (also

    Essay Length: 988 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Cause and Effects: Steroids and Athletes

    Cause and Effects: Steroids and Athletes

    Cause and Effect: Steroids and Athletes. There are so many different kinds of people who use steroids; mainly they are athletes who want to compete, kids who are trying it for the first time and other school athletes. Coaches in the GYM take steroids so they will look more muscular and huge from those who are training. On the other side, some people who perform hard work like policeman, fireman uses steroids to be more

    Essay Length: 734 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Monika
  • Diet in American People

    Diet in American People

    Unfortunately, Americans today are obsessed with losing weight. Everybody wants to be thin! Everywhere I go, there’s someone counting calories, cutting "carbs", and running themselves to death on a treadmill. Dieting can be beneficial, when done properly and with discussion with a doctor. Sadly, some people fall into these bad habits when the desperation to lose weight has become tremendous. Everyone wants to lose way quickly and more importantly very easily. Therefore, any fad diet

    Essay Length: 597 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Mike
  • The Effects of Altitude on Human Physiology

    The Effects of Altitude on Human Physiology

    Changes in altitude have a profound effect on the human body. The body attempts to maintain a state of homeostasis or balance to ensure the optimal operating environment for its complex chemical systems. Any change from this homeostasis is a change away from the optimal operating environment. The body attempts to correct this imbalance. One such imbalance is the effect of increasing altitude on the body's ability to provide adequate oxygen to be utilized

    Essay Length: 4,119 Words / 17 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Andrew