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Comparison Iliad Odyssey Essays and Term Papers


491 Essays on Comparison Iliad Odyssey. Documents 326 - 350

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Last update: September 10, 2014
  • Xto and Devon Energy Comparison

    Xto and Devon Energy Comparison

    XTO Energy and Devon Energy Milestone #3 Tom Bolger David Huckabay Anthony Johnson Andy Leach XTO ENERGY INC. Company Background XTO Energy Inc. is a premier domestic natural gas and oil producer engaged in the acquisition, exploitation and development of quality, long-lived gas and oil properties. The Company, whose predecessor companies were established in 1986, completed its initial public offering in May 1993. Its properties and activities are concentrated in Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas,

    Essay Length: 5,063 Words / 21 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2010 By: Mike
  • To Eat or Not to Eat: A Comparison of Anorexia and Obesity

    To Eat or Not to Eat: A Comparison of Anorexia and Obesity

    In many other countries, to be skinny enough to show off one’s bones would mean that they are living in poverty; while an excessive amount of weight would show that the individual lives in a higher class in society. In America however, these two body types have been elevated into two of the leading causes of death amongst our population; not as a sign of societal class, but as diseases. Anorexia - which stems from

    Essay Length: 1,218 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 9, 2010 By: Edward
  • A Character Comparison: Nora Vs. Antigone

    A Character Comparison: Nora Vs. Antigone

    Ian Gidley IB English I May 17, 2005 World Literature Paper I A Character Comparison: Nora Vs. Antigone In the novels A Doll’s House and Antigone, Ibsen and Sophocles respectively create two lead female characters, Nora and Antigone, who confront society's expectations of women in fundamentally different ways. Nora goes against the grain of middle class society by first forging her father's signature and then deceiving her husband, Torvald, throughout their marriage; Antigone, on the

    Essay Length: 1,863 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: March 9, 2010 By: July
  • A Comparison Between the Book and Movie: Malcolm X

    A Comparison Between the Book and Movie: Malcolm X

    When comparing and contrasting movies and books, the majority of the time the book presents more of a detailed atmosphere and illustration of events. However, in this case I think the book, "Autobiography of Malcolm X" and the movie, "Malcolm X" quoin side with one another. Spike Lee is not only one of the best filmmakers in America, but one of the most crucially important, because his films address the central subject of race, as

    Essay Length: 590 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 10, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Comparison of a True Fragment to a Complete Fragment

    Comparison of a True Fragment to a Complete Fragment

    1. Introduction: It was in the Romantic era that fragment poems became especially popular. In this essay I intend to demonstrate two of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s framents which are still curiosities for the audience. First of all, a very important question has to be asked: �How do we know that a fragment is truly a fragment?’ For one, it is surely one or more parts are missing from the whole, or there is no whole

    Essay Length: 2,101 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: March 11, 2010 By: David
  • Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, & Willy Loman Comparison

    Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, & Willy Loman Comparison

    “Still, the Truth Remains” An immense desire for personal satisfaction, and extraordinary reputation can often result in a sickly, perverse distortion of reality. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, a man well known for his intellect and wisdom, finds himself blind to the truth of his life, and his parentage. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet also contains a character that is in search of the truth, which ultimately leads to his own demise, as well as the demise of

    Essay Length: 1,516 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: March 11, 2010 By: regina
  • Lenin - Stalin Comparison

    Lenin - Stalin Comparison

    "A great luck for Russia was that at the times of hardships she was headed by such a genius and talented commander as Joseph Stalin." W. Churchill Stalin was a man of extraordinary energy, erudition and a powerful will. Him even I, a person taught by the Parliament, could not counter. W. Churchill "Stalin is the Lenin of today," said a popular propaganda slogan of the thirties and the forties. The situation has changed drastically

    Essay Length: 334 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 11, 2010 By: Wendy
  • Lessons in the Odyssey

    Lessons in the Odyssey

    The Odyssey The Odyssey, by Homer, has many lessons that are learned by Odysseus and his crew. Odysseus and his crew are on their journey home. Three of those lessons were to not taunt people, to follow directions, and to trust people. The first lesson was to not taunt people. After Odysseus and his crew had escaped from the Cyclops, Odysseus decided to tease him. Odysseus had told Cyclops who it was that took his

    Essay Length: 279 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 12, 2010 By: David
  • Comparison of the French, American and Russian Revolutions

    Comparison of the French, American and Russian Revolutions

    The French and the Russian revolutions are very similar and there are too many differences in the American Revolution to group them all together. The following information will prove that the French and the Russian revolutions are similar. Both of these revolutions occurred mainly due to two main reasons. Both of these revolutions were the direct results of bad leadership and a bad economy. These two reasons along with other factors caused the revolutions. The

    Essay Length: 305 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2010 By: Jon
  • Comparison of Banquet and Shi Qiang

    Comparison of Banquet and Shi Qiang

    The city Cahal of Mesopotamia in modern day South West Asia, and what is now modern day China, are locations of the kings that once reigned on high. Each, like the drastically different locations, had cultures that were highly contrasting though they both saw dynasties/empires that lasted many years. The text, "The Banquet of Ashurnasirpal II" portrays a warrior king which was chosen from the God above, Ashur to conquer lands far and wide. It

    Essay Length: 367 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2010 By: David
  • The Odyssey: Book 23, the Great Rooted Bed

    The Odyssey: Book 23, the Great Rooted Bed

    The Odyssey: Book 23, The Great Rooted Bed Tone: The tone in the beginning of this book is very frantic; it starts out with Eurycleia rushing through the hallways and into Penelope's room to inform her of the good news. The old nurse tells Penelope that Odysseus is indeed back home to Ithaca. At first Penelope couldn't believe it but when she was reassured she cry tears of joy. The tone then shifts to a

    Essay Length: 321 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2010 By: Yan
  • Comparison of High Noon and Open Range

    Comparison of High Noon and Open Range

    High Noon (1952) is one of the greatest all-American classic westerns that contains many elements of a traditional western. So in comparing an older western to a newer one like Open Range (2003), it’s easy to recognize the basic similarities; the stories hold armed cowboys (otherwise known as the “bad-guys”), A tough “good guy” that shows weakness, the “pretty girl”, and a climactic shoot-out. While the two films show great similarities in the format of

    Essay Length: 1,371 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2010 By: Top
  • Comparison of “the Black Cat” and “the Tell-Tale Heart”

    Comparison of “the Black Cat” and “the Tell-Tale Heart”

    Comparison of “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” Both “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”, written by Edgar Allan Poe, depict how murderers can conceal the remains of their victims. The cover-ups in these two stories show two similar, but different cover-ups. Both men buried their victims within the structures of the homes, in the same rooms they killed them in. They also shared the same arrogance and pride in the work they

    Essay Length: 351 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 15, 2010 By: Janna
  • Pride in the Iliad

    Pride in the Iliad

    Pride in The Iliad The period in which the events in The Iliad took place were different than the times of today. Back then, the most important aspect of life for a person was to be a hero and to be remembered. One's pride would come before everything else. In the present day, this concept would be thought of as illogical or foolish. This is certainly true. But, that is how life was in that

    Essay Length: 604 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 16, 2010 By: Kevin
  • The African-American Odyssey

    The African-American Odyssey

    Eric D. Joseph May 9, 2006 Afro-Amer. Hist.4223 The African-American Odyssey The Promise of Reconstruction, 1865-1868 The emancipation of the African slave who was now disconnected from their traditions and way of life after nearly 300 years, is seemingly a great gush from the dam to the ebbs and flows of the struggle. The end of slavery as we know it, presented a ball of mixed emotions among the nation; North and SOUTH. Some slaves

    Essay Length: 1,668 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: March 16, 2010 By: Monika
  • Comparison of Social Trends of the 1950’s and 1990’s

    Comparison of Social Trends of the 1950’s and 1990’s

    Comparison of Social Trends of the 1950’s and 1990’s We Americans have a fondness of looking back to certain times with bouts of nostalgia, clutching closely the burred images of better off and more secure conditions. We seek revive those past years, hoping to cure all of our current societal ills. Why can’t we bring them back? The economy was good, the family was happy, we say. We see the 1950’s in the United States

    Essay Length: 1,257 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 17, 2010 By: Janna
  • The Odyssey /book Critique

    The Odyssey /book Critique

    After ten years, Odysseus still has not returned to his kingdom in Ithaca. A large and destructive mob of suitors who have taken over Odysseus's palace and his land continue to court his wife, Penelope. She has remained faithful to Odysseus though she has no way of knowing weather he is dead of alive. Prince Telemachus, Odysseus's son, wants desperately to throw them out but does not have the confidence or experience to fight them.

    Essay Length: 1,236 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 17, 2010 By: Stenly
  • Odyssey Essay

    Odyssey Essay

    There are many qualities one must have to be a good leader. Without these qualities he wouldn’t be able to make it through many hardships. A good example of someone who shows these qualities well is Odysseus I the story “the Odyssey” by Homer. In the story Odysseus is witty, strong, and loyal. Odysseus shows his intelligence many times in the epic. One example is in line 315. It shows that he tells the

    Essay Length: 376 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 18, 2010 By: Vika
  • Characterization: Book 8 of the Odyssey

    Characterization: Book 8 of the Odyssey

    So far in the Odyssey, men have played the role of strong and determined characters. In most cases, they try to show the courageous side of their personality. For example, young Telemakhos boldly decided to leave Ithaka and search for news of his father, knowing the dangers that were in store for him. Odysseus, obviously, showed great determination as he battled the God of Sea Poseidon after he left KalypsoЎЇs island. All of this leads

    Essay Length: 429 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 21, 2010 By: Mike
  • Comparison of Unilever and P&g Marketing Strategies

    Comparison of Unilever and P&g Marketing Strategies

    Unilever has experienced quite a rollercoaster of marketing success and failure over the last 5 years. Originally its new 5-year strategic plan entitled ‘Path to Growth’ had special promise and forecast for success. The primary objective of this plan was to cull Unilever’s ‘tail’ brands and place extra emphasis on those which were market leaders. Niail Fitzgerald believes that too many brands often confuse the customer and thus lead to poor purchasing decisions. The paradox

    Essay Length: 1,623 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: March 22, 2010 By: Janna
  • Comparison on Friendship Between Aristotle, Epicurus and Martin Luther King Jr.

    Comparison on Friendship Between Aristotle, Epicurus and Martin Luther King Jr.

    Friendship is a special relationship a person can have with any number of acquaintances. It is a fortuitous happenstance that occurs in varying levels of intensity between two people. Aristotle and Epicurus believe friendship is a rare commodity as friendship is a treasured bond of trust that has been proven throughout trials which create and strengthen those bonds. However Martin Luther King Jr. believes that everybody should treat everybody and anybody in a neighbourly fashion,

    Essay Length: 2,552 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: March 23, 2010 By: Mike
  • Self Control in the Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou

    Self Control in the Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou

    Self Control, a Problem of the Ages A lack of self control is very evident in O Brother Where Art Thou? as well as in The Odyssey, these stories portray how engrained this problem is, and are evidence to how long lack of control has been pervasive in society. These two sources parallel an idea, however the actual events that take place are much different. The numerous events that show lack of self control occur

    Essay Length: 1,040 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 23, 2010 By: Mike
  • False Comparisons

    False Comparisons

    False Comparisons The first thought to come to mind when I hear the words “love poem” is lies. It’s almost as if the author of a love poem will say anything to swoon the object of his affection. The only writer to go against this idea of over dramatic ness is William Shakespeare in his poem “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun.” The theme of this poem is honesty. Instead of comparing her

    Essay Length: 1,006 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 25, 2010 By: Mike
  • Comparison/contrast Analysis of Health Articles

    Comparison/contrast Analysis of Health Articles

    TO: Denise Burgess, English 102 Professor FROM: Jami Fryer, college student DATE: February 14, 2008 SUBJECT: Comparison/Contrast Analysis “Redefining Fitness for Health and Fitness Professionals” and “College Eating and Fitness 101: A Guide for College Students” are two articles that discuss fitness and nutrition. Their topic matter may be the same, but the way they approach their discussion and the information they include are quite different. “Redefining Fitness for Health and Fitness Professionals” is a

    Essay Length: 913 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 25, 2010 By: Venidikt
  • Comparison of Brave New World and Handmaid’s Tale

    Comparison of Brave New World and Handmaid’s Tale

    The utopia’s in both Brave New World and The Handmaid's Tale, use different methods of obtaining control over individuals weather its in a relationship or having control over a whole society, but are both similar in the fact that humans are looked at as instruments. In both societies, the individuals have very little liberty and are always controlled strictly by the government. Brave New World and The Handmaid’s Tale create fictional places where the needs

    Essay Length: 1,383 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 25, 2010 By: Jon

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