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Defining Philosophy Essays and Term Papers


344 Essays on Defining Philosophy. Documents 176 - 200

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Last update: August 22, 2014
  • Philosophy of Life

    Philosophy of Life

    This Essay shows how I think people should live, and the Necessities to do so. This quote is from Buddha “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”. I think this a good quote that shows how I and other people should live, because if you dwell in the past on relationships, or things that you did for too long you won’t be able

    Essay Length: 600 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: Stenly
  • Public Relations Defined

    Public Relations Defined

    Public Relations Defined Introduction Once upon a time, XYZ Company made a quality widget. For many years thereafter, it continued to make this product. One day, a bad batch of widgets was sent to market and many individuals purchased them. XYZ Company discovered the mistake and faced a dilemma: should it inform the public and recall the widget to maintain an image of respectability and responsibility or let the product remain in the market, hoping

    Essay Length: 783 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 10, 2010 By: Tommy
  • Defining Virtual Teams

    Defining Virtual Teams

    Business today does not stop at the barriers of country lines or miles of ocean, our economy thrives on global interaction with companies strewn throughout the world. Technology cut the limits of time and location by innovating the way we conduct day-to-day business. A newly impending trend is virtual teams, which are a group of individuals within a company committed to a common goal, who collapse the four walls of organizational interaction by communicating via

    Essay Length: 302 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 10, 2010 By: Mikki
  • A Philosophy of Life

    A Philosophy of Life

    A philosophy of life is what your morals are and what you believe in. First off everything in life is meaningful, and has a purpose. Everyone should help another person at least once a week. Even if it’s out of their way. When I do something I make sure that it can benefit me as well as others. Sometimes the only way you’re happy with something is if you do it yourself. Everyone should believe

    Essay Length: 336 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 11, 2010 By: Anna
  • Defining Religion

    Defining Religion

    When searching for the meaning of the term religion one most go a long way in making an extensive search to actually form a definition that can fit such a broad word. There is no one definition that can satisfy all religions and remain true to all religions throughout its answer. There are many different views and definitions of the word and it is very hard to come up with a reasonable definition that sums

    Essay Length: 1,034 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 11, 2010 By: Bred
  • Defining Globalisation

    Defining Globalisation

    People define “globalisation in many different ways. “Globalisation is a business initiative based on the belief that the world is becoming more homogeneous; further, distinctions between national markets are not only fading but, for some products, will eventually disappear. As a result, companies need to globalize their international strategy by formulating it across country markets to take advantage of underlying market cost, environmental, and competitive factors”. (Flaherty, 1996 :419 ). Another definition of globalisation is;

    Essay Length: 261 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2010 By: Mike
  • Engineering Life: Defining "humanity" in a Postmodern Age

    Engineering Life: Defining "humanity" in a Postmodern Age

    Postmodern Antihumanism and Genetic Technology Postmodern antihumanism and the contemporary genetics industry are two powerful currents that form a potentially menacing rip tide against which proponents of human dignity must struggle. We consider key forces directing genetic research and the genetics industry, and how postmodern anthropological assumptions increasingly encroach on bioethics and biopolicy. Scientists are for the most part extremely antagonistic to postmodernism because of its assault against reason and the postmodernists' accusations that science

    Essay Length: 2,226 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2010 By: Kevin
  • Poetry Defined by Romantics

    Poetry Defined by Romantics

    Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as "crazed beyond all hope" and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as "a drunk," the two are exemplary and very important authors of the Romantic period in English literature (648). Together these authors composed a beautiful work of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads. Included in the 1802 work is a very important preface written by William Wordsworth. The preface explains the intention of authors Wordsworth and Coleridge, and more importantly, it includes

    Essay Length: 1,707 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2010 By: Mike
  • Philosophy: Opening the Mind one Person at a Time

    Philosophy: Opening the Mind one Person at a Time

    Enlightment philosophers expressed basic principles of the modern view such as the belief that every person posses natural rights that the government should not violate, and the yearning to reform the principles of society based on reasons. While Voltaire supported a conservative ideology on holding onto monarchy and tradition, he pleaded for tolerance and disagreed with religious fanaticism and persecution. At the same time, John Locke believed individuals were born with their natural rights and

    Essay Length: 930 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 14, 2010 By: Monika
  • My Defining Moment

    My Defining Moment

    The summer of my freshman year of college I was an independent sales contractor in direct sales of educational products for Southwestern Company. For this job I had one week of intense sales training with students from Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and New Mexico State in Nashville, Tennessee. I did not know where I would be located for the summer until the last day of training. I ended up being sent to Fayetteville,

    Essay Length: 636 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 15, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Defining Public Relations Paper

    Defining Public Relations Paper

    Defining Public Relations Paper Public relations is a term which is 200 years old this year, having first being used by Thomas Jefferson, the US president in 1807. Throughout the course of time the definition of Public Relations, PR for short, has adapted itself for many uses. As such there is no one set definition for PR to date. Definitions of Public Relations: ‘One of the earliest definitions of PR was created by Edward Bernays.

    Essay Length: 947 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 16, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Philosophy of Teaching Statement

    Philosophy of Teaching Statement

    Philosophy of Teaching Statement Michele Costabile Doney To develop a philosophy of teaching is to focus on my role as an educator and define what is important about it. I find that my role involves three principle activities: 1. To continually strive to develop a broad array of teaching skills and adjust them to meet the needs of my students. 2. To truly challenge my students and to evaluate them honestly and fairly. 3. To

    Essay Length: 1,728 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 19, 2010 By: July
  • The Question of Philosophy

    The Question of Philosophy

    The question is Philosophy. Why is it important? What makes it important? To answer theses questions you first have to know what philosophy is. Philosophy is defined as: the pursuit of wisdom; a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. This is the written definition of philosophy, but I think philosophy can't be defined to just words. It's more then words. Philosophy to me is an

    Essay Length: 1,170 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 19, 2010 By: Monika
  • Theories of Philosophy

    Theories of Philosophy

    When we view the philosophy of mind we encounter many problems, the main being that although there are many theories on this topic it is impossible to prove any of them and thus this problem is still unresolved. How is it that we can understand more about the universe and science than ever before but do not understand what it is that enables us to understand, that is the mind? To answer this rather complicated

    Essay Length: 254 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 20, 2010 By: Yan
  • World Peace: In the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy

    World Peace: In the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy

    World Peace! Ever since, man has struggled for peace. There have been many efforts put forth that intend to alleviate conflicts and restore peaceful relationships. However, much as we want to attain peace by doing any peace agreements possible, we are still no where near from that goal. Conflicts and disagreements that have exacerbated into violent combats are constantly plaguing the planet. Isolated cases of violence are present everywhere, both small and big scale hostilities

    Essay Length: 703 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 21, 2010 By: July
  • The Prince -Machiavelli’s Philosophy -Opinion Piece

    The Prince -Machiavelli’s Philosophy -Opinion Piece

    Machiavelli has a certain philosophy that I personally don’t agree with. He believes that “the end justifies the means.” In other words, as long as you reach your goal, everything that you did to get there is justified. It isn’t right to not care about how many people you torture, or how many homes you destroy, as long as you get people to bow down to you and call you king. This philosophy of Machiavelli’s

    Essay Length: 323 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 22, 2010 By: Tommy
  • Christian Philosophy Film Critique

    Christian Philosophy Film Critique

    Christian Philosophy Film Critique The Truman Show Entertainment is the supraideology of all discourse on Television. Even news shows are a format for entertainment, not for education. The most important fact about television is that people watch it. American televisions devoted entirely to supplying its audience with entertainment and commercial. The problem is not that television presents us with entertaining subject matter but that all subject matter is presented as entertaining. This main point of

    Essay Length: 325 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 22, 2010 By: Edward
  • Principle and Philosophy of Design

    Principle and Philosophy of Design

    ESSAY TOPIC: The value of a work of art today depends in large part on the name and reputation of the artist. Explain why this would be an error in a traditional society? The designer Charles Ray Eames famously described design as Ў°a plan for arranging elements in such a way as to best accomplish a particular purposeЎ± a synonymous view with the central view of this course that Ў°design is the designation of things

    Essay Length: 1,580 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 23, 2010 By: Tommy
  • Philosophy of Nursing

    Philosophy of Nursing

    Philosophy of Nursing Leddy and Pepper (2003) defined philosophy of nursing as the intellectual and affective outcomes of the professional nurses' efforts to understand the ultimate relationship among humans, environment, and health; to approach nursing as a scientific discipline; to integrate a sense of values into practice; to appreciate esthetic elements that contribute to health and well-being; and to articulate a personal belief system about human beings, environment, health and nursing. Hubert H Humphrey Comprehensive

    Essay Length: 490 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 24, 2010 By: Mikki
  • Philosophy of Art Van Gogh Painting

    Philosophy of Art Van Gogh Painting

    Art is something that can cause difference of opinion, controversy, and many other contemporary issues. Art can also been viewed in many different mediums; such as music, paintings, the written word whether that be prose or poetry, photography as well as many more forms. I will be discussing the famous painter of Van Gogh and a painting that he described as ugly. Van Gogh described this painting as “…one of the ugliest I have done…”

    Essay Length: 1,808 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: February 26, 2010 By: July
  • Philosophy and Science

    Philosophy and Science

    It is sometimes maintained that the conflicts of the twentieth century (war and international contests in general) might best be characterized as between the left and right political persuasions (e.g., "communism" against "fascism" or "democracy" against "fascism"). Defend or dispute such a characterization using the two socioeconomic and political systems that have been the central concerns of our readings and discussion: that of Sun Yat-sen (The Kuomintang on the Chinese mainland and on Taiwan) and

    Essay Length: 2,656 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: February 27, 2010 By: Mike
  • Creating a Philosophy of Life

    Creating a Philosophy of Life

    In his recent research, Pierre Hadot calls our attention to the original vocation of the philosopher: not as scholar but as sage. Hadot attempts to recapture the early understanding of the study of philosophy as an entry into a mode de vie, a way of life richly satisfying and personally rewarding. The challenge for us today, he claims, is to rediscover the unity between two different visions of philosophy: philosophy as scientific discourse and philosophy

    Essay Length: 659 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 27, 2010 By: Tasha
  • Marketing Defined

    Marketing Defined

    Marketing Defined Introduction There are many definitions for Marketing. Marketing is based on an organizations need to promote their goods and/or services. After research of the definition of marketing one will find that marketing must be defined and look at individually, not as a whole. Marketing “Most people think that marketing is only about the advertising and/or personal selling of goods and services. Advertising and selling, however, are just two of the many marketing activities.

    Essay Length: 736 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 28, 2010 By: Bred
  • Jabberwocky: Defining a Word

    Jabberwocky: Defining a Word

    Defining a Word The art of creating portmanteaux has been mastered by Lewis Carroll in “Jabberwocky.” In this mock-heroic ballad filled with beasts and bravery, Carroll weaves not only an enjoyable yarn, but forges new words to describe the illogical world he has created. Although the ballad is simply told, Carroll enriches this poem about heroism by creating a world utilizing such literary devices as diction, imagery, and theme. In Through the Looking Glass, Alice

    Essay Length: 268 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 1, 2010 By: Stenly
  • Clearly Define by Specific Traits the Character of Antigone and Creon

    Clearly Define by Specific Traits the Character of Antigone and Creon

    Literature Portfolio QUESTIONS 1. - Clearly define by specific traits the character of Antigone and Creon. After her mother committed suicide, her father died and her brothers fought until they killed each other, Antigone projects her strong character with interesting ways of showing it. As the main character with strong values and a stubborn way, she follows the laws of god, without minding the consequences. Antigone is a strong willed woman who wins the

    Essay Length: 2,197 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: March 1, 2010 By: Victor

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