History Nokia Essays and Term Papers
Last update: September 18, 2014-
History of Juvenile Justice
Until the 19th century, children were punished and confined in the same ways as adults. Early jails housed men, women, adults, juveniles, sane and insane all together. Houses of Refuge In the early 1800's reformers became concerned about the overcrowded conditions in the jails and the corruption youth experienced when confined with adult felons. The first House of Refuge opened in New York in 1825, as a facility exclusively for children. By the 1840's, 53
Rating:Essay Length: 2,376 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: November 18, 2009 -
Ibm - History in a Canadain Persective
About IBM Corporation IBM (International Business Machines) is the world's largest information technology company, with 80 years of leadership in helping businesses innovate. IBM invented "e-business" and is the global leader in tailoring e-business solutions for companies of all sizes. They are a multinational corporation whose primary business is in the technology sector. IBM makes desktop and notebook PCs, mainframe and servers, storage systems, and peripherals, among its thousands of products. The company also offers
Rating:Essay Length: 4,641 Words / 19 PagesSubmitted: November 18, 2009 -
The History of Buddhism
Soon after Buddha's death or parinirvana, five hundred monks met at the first council at Rajagrha, under the leadership of Kashyapa. Upali recited the monastic code, Vinaya, as he remembered it. Ananda, Buddha's cousin, friend, and favorite disciple, and a man of prodigious memory, recited Buddha's lessons, the Sutras. The monks debated details and voted on final versions. These were then committed to memory by other monks, to be translated into the many languages of
Rating:Essay Length: 3,604 Words / 15 PagesSubmitted: November 18, 2009 -
The History of Rollerblades
Roller skating is said to have been born during the summer months when ice was not available. The first documented inventor of roller skates was John Joseph Merlin who was born September 17, 1735, in the city of Huys, Belgium. Merlin was well known for his abilities for making musical instruments and other interesting mechanical gadgets. Through various incarnations, roller skates strove to replicate the streamlined speed and maneuverability of ice skates, but without
Rating:Essay Length: 401 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
The History of Public Relations
The History of Public Relations The act of public relations dates back to 52 B.C.E. in ancient Rome and continues on today all around the world. Public relations is defined as the controlling factor that searches to form and maintain relationships between organizations, profit or non-profit and the public that are beneficial for both parties (Bates). The age of public relations as a profession evolved in the 20th Century, mainly in the United States, but
Rating:Essay Length: 1,169 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
History & Rules of Bowling
Everybody loves to knock things over. Now what if I said you could knock over some pins make a game out of it? Would you be interested? This game would be called bowling. Bowling isn’t always as easy as it seems. Before you can know how to play, it may be a good idea to know some background of the game. Bowling was first played by the Germans in the third century. Every German peasant
Rating:Essay Length: 657 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
History of Calculus
History of Calculus The history of calculus falls into several distinct time periods, most notably the ancient, medieval, and modern periods. The ancient period introduced some of the ideas of integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous or systematic way. Calculating volumes and areas, the basic function of integral calculus, can be traced back to the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1800 BC), in which an Egyptian successfully calculated
Rating:Essay Length: 1,147 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
A History of Ireland
In the land of fox hunting, shamrocks, and pubs, a century old confrontational relationship is still being plaid out. Religion is often the grounds for conflict and such is the case in Northern Ireland. For hundreds of years Catholics and Protestants have battled over rights, government and land. The spark of this conflict can be traced back to the mid 1500s. Ireland has always had a complicated past concerning rulers, government, invasion and war. Throughout
Rating:Essay Length: 1,585 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
A Brief History of Human Rights Regulation
A brief history of human rights regulation The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 did not emerge from a vacuum. It was presented as the latest in a series of acts, covenants and declarations aimed at securing certain rights for citizens in various countries. These acts, covenants and declarations — which are usually traced back to the English Magna Carta of 1215 have almost always emerged as strategic responses to social and political upheaval.
Rating:Essay Length: 265 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
West Palm Beach History
West Palm Beach grew extremely fast into a city full of prominence and prosperity, everyone wanted a piece of the sun. In the early 1900’s, neighborhoods sprang up everywhere, as well as skyscrapers. After being a nation feed by war, it was suddenly mobile, the city had favorable weather and warm waters, and was soon to be a hot spot on the map. Opportunists called “Binder Boys” rushed down from the north. They packed hotel
Rating:Essay Length: 348 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
Us History Timeline
Time Line 1492 Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas. 1513 Ponce de Leon lands in Florida. 1518 Smallpox, brought by the Europeans, begins to decimate the native population of Central and South America. The epidemic will last until 1530. 1521 The surrender of Tenochtitlan to Spanish explorer/conqueror Ferdinand Cortes, and his empire falls. 1533 Henry VIII starts the English Reformation mainly to gain a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. 1539 Hernando de Soto begins exploration
Rating:Essay Length: 3,336 Words / 14 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
Greek Theatre History
Greek Theatre History Euripides was born outside of Athens, Greece and as some say, was destined from the beginning to be a misunderstood poet. He was a pacifist, free thinker and a humanitarian in an age when such things were overshadowed by intolerance and violence. He was an "out of the box" type thinker; he forced his characters to confront personal and social issues as opposed to the typical questions of state. Euripides was often
Rating:Essay Length: 404 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 19, 2009 -
At the Beginning of the Chinese History
There were over thirty-eight dynasties from the Chinese History. I am going to talk about the beginning of the Chinese History. I think it was the most interesting part to discuss because it involved the development at the beginning and then grow weak at the end of the Shang dynast due to the killing of the loyal official of the emperor. It had a profoundly impact the rest of the Shang people and it's culture
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Telecommunications History
Telecommunications History „X 1844 - 1st Public Telegraphy Display Samuel F.B. Morse demonstrates the first public telegraph message from Washington to Baltimore, Ў§What Hath God Wrought.ЎЁ This was the beginning of telecommunications in America. „X 1845 - Samuel F.B. Morse forms Magnetic Telegraph Co. Samuel F.B. Morse organizes the first telegraph company to offer telegraph service to the general public. „X 1856 - Western Union Formed New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Company is reorganized
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Background and History of Untied Overseas Bank Limited
Background and History of Untied Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) United Overseas Bank Limited abbreviated as UOB was founded in 6 August 1935 firstly known as United Chinese Bank. The UOB Empire was first built up by Sarawak-born Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang ЁC father of the present UOB Group Chairman, Wee Cho Yaw together with 6 other businessman. Since then, UOB has grown from strength to strength becoming a leading bank in Singapore and a dominant
Rating:Essay Length: 2,496 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: November 20, 2009 -
History of Country Music
When I was a young boy my Grandfather always liked to tell the tale of how he was wounded during the extraordinary battle that killed the great Roland. My grandfather was a brave knight that held all the qualities a knight was supposed to possess. He was a chivalrous, brave, strong knight that feared nothing. He had never been beaten in battle, and I suppose he never was. That is for you to decide. My
Rating:Essay Length: 1,668 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: November 20, 2009 -
Target Background and History
Target Background and History With its familiar red bulls eye logo, Target Stores have become the United States’ second-largest discount chain behind giant Wal-Mart. Target offers merchandise and brand names that are aimed at a more upscale shopper than Wal-Mart. With strong growth from expansion, Target reported $46.839 billion in sales and earnings of $3.198 billion in 2004. At the beginning of the year, the company operated 1,172 regular Target stores and 136 SuperTarget stores
Rating:Essay Length: 480 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 20, 2009 -
Coca Cola Brief History
HISTORY: There are some major events in the life of the Coca-Cola Company that have an impact on the company today, these include: • 1886: Coca-Cola, the beverage, was first produced by John Pemberton. It was sold at fountains at a Jacobs’s pharmacy, a local pharmacy in Atlanta, for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson named the drink Coca-Cola and wrote it in his own unique script, to this day Coca-Cola is written in the
Rating:Essay Length: 585 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 20, 2009 -
Art History
1. formal and iconographic characteristics are seen in high renaissanace, venetian and mannerist paintings. to begin with, in high renaissance michaelangelos Moses is shown holding the 10 commandments. You can clearly see the anger that is dipicted through the facial expression on moses. Michaelangelo wonderfully portrays the psychological states in moses, through the iconographic characteristics of his puffed lower lip, arched toes and the bulging of his veins. the formal characteristics are seen through michealangeols
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Jewish History - Mohammed's Speech
Jewish History- Mohammed's Speech People of Arabia. The angel of G-d, Gabriel, has come to me to bring you his final message. The name of this G-d is Allah. Gabriel has told Allah that he has chosen me to lead the people of Arabia. He has informed me that Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all prophets of Allah, but has chosen me to be his final prophet. Gabriel told me to embrace the will of
Rating:Essay Length: 458 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 20, 2009 -
The History Behind Marriage
The symbols and rituals that are used in the wedding mass is the development of the Sacrament of Marriage. There are many symbols and rituals involved with marriage, including: the unity candle, the bouquet, tossing of rice, and the bride's veil. The most common symbol there is in marriage is the wedding ring. The wedding ring dates back to the Egyptian time. Back then the wife would have a money ring instead of actual money
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History of Bangkok
History of Bangkok After Ayutthaya was burned by the Burmese army in 1767, the Thai army established Thonburi, a community of Bangkok as the new capital. Bangkok was instituted as the new capital in 1782 by king Chakri, also known by his dynastic name Rama I. After asking Chinese merchants to move to the Sampeng area, Rama I used the vacated land to build the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew). Another thing
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The History of Gravois
The History of Gravois Gravois Road is all in all a fascinating part of the history of St. Louis. With its many historical landmarks and rich amount of different cultures and heritages, Gravois holds true to much of its history into the present day. Even though many of the streets in St. Louis are being worked on, this street continues to have many visitors and people living there. The first trip down Gravois was particularly
Rating:Essay Length: 275 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 21, 2009 -
History of Tango
The man and woman face each other, with the man holding the woman's right hand in his left, and with his right arm around her. The Tango is the third dance to use this hold for couple dancing. The Viennese Waltz is the first dance done in this couple hold. It was very popular in Europe in the 1830's. Couple dancing before the Viennese Waltz was very formal and did not involve a lot of
Rating:Essay Length: 672 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 21, 2009 -
History of English Sports
History of English Sports Sports are a favorite pastime of everybody. Through out history, sports have been a predominate part of each individual culture. English sports have arguably had the greatest impact of the sports played in the world today. Almost all of the sports we have come to know and love today have their origins in England. Though English sports are not played by everyone, they have left a lasting legacy on the world
Rating:Essay Length: 1,749 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: November 21, 2009