Idea India Essays and Term Papers
Last update: August 19, 2014-
Autmobile Marketing in India
The competitive nature of the automobile industry has prompted the companies to take up new and innovative marketing strategies to thwart the competition. The B segment of cars is the segment which sees maximum competition as the consumer has a number of models to choose from and it's the volumes which drive the margins. All the companies as a part of their marketing strategy offers a range of vehicles in all the segment to make
Rating:Essay Length: 376 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 27, 2009 -
Report on Gpdp Project in Edible Oil Industry in India
Report on GPDP Project in Edible Oil Industry in India Chapter 1.0: Introduction 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 EDIBLE OIL SCENARIO IN INDIA India is the fourth largest oilseed producing country in the world, next only to USA, China and Brazil, harvesting about 25 million tons of oilseeds against the world production of 250 million tons per annum. Since 1995, Indian share in world production of oilseeds has been around 10 percent. Although, India is a major
Rating:Essay Length: 2,446 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: December 27, 2009 -
Bad Ideas Never Die
The automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885 and the airplane by the Wright brothers in 1903. Just three years later the first flying car story appeared. And in the 98 years since then, flying cars have received copious coverage in the nation's media. In 1945, Ted Hall introduced his flying car, a development that was received by a wildly enthusiastic public. Roads would become obsolete, traffic jams a thing of the past. Every
Rating:Essay Length: 958 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 27, 2009 -
From 1750-1850 Revolutions Wracked Many Countries. How Did Imperial Wars Among Competing European Powers Provoke Revolutions Around the Globe? in What Ways Were the Revolutions, Expanded Literacy and New Political Ideas Linked?
I think that through all of the revolutions it was something like a chain reaction. One country had problems and the people decided to take action and do something about it. They revolted and made things better or worse for themselves. Through this other countries heard about it or saw it first hand, giving them the same ideas to so the same when it times became hard. I think when wars between competing European countries
Rating:Essay Length: 493 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 28, 2009 -
India’s Economic Reforms
India's Economic Reforms Montek S Ahluwalia* The past three years have seen major changes in India's economic policies marking a new phase in India's development strategy. The broad thrust of the new policies is not very different from the changes being implemented in other developing countries and also all over the erstwhile socialist world. They aim at reducing the extent of Government controls over various aspects of the domestic economy, increasing the role of the
Rating:Essay Length: 7,899 Words / 32 PagesSubmitted: December 28, 2009 -
Bride Burning in India
Bride burning in the Hindu religion is a hideous custom enforced by the Brahmin priests to eradicate non-Brahmin women, in order to destroy the non-Brahmin races. Other methods used are wife-burning, sati or widow-burning, jauhar, and witch burning. Most of these murders are passed off or regarded as kitchen fires and are never brought to justice. This is a result of the low status of women in India who are viewed more as personnel property
Rating:Essay Length: 1,242 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 28, 2009 -
Idea Case Report
I. INTRODUCTION The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (hereinafter "IDEA") entitles every disabled child to a "free appropriate public education" specifically structured to meet each child's individual needs. In order to accomplish this, public school systems located in states receiving federal funds for education must create an Individualized Education Program (hereinafter "IEP") for each disabled child within its jurisdiction. The parents of disabled children must be consulted annually in the IEP's design, and may request
Rating:Essay Length: 569 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 29, 2009 -
Sezs in India
MACRO ECONOMICS SEZs HIGHWAY TO INDIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH? SUBMITTED BY: DEEPTI MITTAL INTRODUCTION There has been much debate about the role Special Economic Zones (SEZs) play in the economic growth of a country, and whether they should be the first option, or the next best policy. The promise of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has captivated entrepreneurs of all hues and sizes. At last count, 263 SEZs had been sanctioned, while another 169 had received in-principle
Rating:Essay Length: 1,653 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 29, 2009 -
Cultural Heritage of India
Cultural Heritage of India India with its centuries old civilization is perhaps one of the few nations, which has a cultural heritage that is rich, diverse and unique. The richness and diversity of the Indian culture has its roots in its history. The history of India is testimony to the fact that foreign invasions influenced the polity and culture of India. Right from ancient times when Alexander invaded India and brought with him Greek influences
Rating:Essay Length: 9,650 Words / 39 PagesSubmitted: December 31, 2009 -
Oil Refinery in India
Oil Refinery in India An Industry Overview   Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 GLOBAL VIEW ON REFINING 3 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 4 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 8 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 9 FUTURE OUTLOOK 11 REFERENCES 12 "THE ONCE RELIABLE CONSTANTS HAVE BECOME GALLOPING VARIABLES" -ALVIN TOFFLER India the world's seventh largest country and the second most populace nation has been a destination of unrealized potential. In the recent past it has seen as stir of economic activity changing the
Rating:Essay Length: 315 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 31, 2009 -
Sebastiano Serlio and the Idea of Central Perspective
Sebastian Serlio and the Idea of Central Perspective. "The greater the hall, the more nearly will the theatre assume its perfect form." -Sebastiano Serlio. The above is taken from the second book in Serlio's series entitled Architettura. He took what he was given in Vitruvius's De Architectura and created, in his eyes, the model for what a theatre should be. With his ideas and innovations, Serlio gave the Italian Renaissance the bridge it needed to
Rating:Essay Length: 496 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
Capital Account Convertibility in India
INTRODUCTION The objective of this paper is to discuss the highly intensified debate on the issue of Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) in India. There is no formal definition of Capital Account convertibility but the Tarapore committee set up in February 1997 gave a pragmatic working definition of CAC as “CAC refers to the freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign financial assets and vice versa at market determined rates of exchange. It is associated
Rating:Essay Length: 1,426 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
The Economic System of India
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Indian Automotive Industry after de-licensing in July, 1991 has grown at a spectacular rate of 17% on an average for last few years. The industry has now attained a turnover of Rs. 1,65,000 crores (34 billion USD) and an investment of Rs. 50,000 crores. Over of Rs. 35,000 crores of investment is in pipeline. The industry is providing direct and indirect employment to 1.31 crore people. It is also making a
Rating:Essay Length: 481 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
Comparison of the Use of Music in the Major Religions of India and China
“Music gives us the capacity to express the deepest feelings of the human soul.” Worldwide, music has an important and varied range of application in religious practice. In the major religions of Asia, music is an especially vital part of theology and worship. In India and China, the most prominent religions are Hinduism, Daoism and Buddhism. Hindu religious chant and music are firmly rooted in theological principles of sacred sound. Taoist music is commonly
Rating:Essay Length: 1,466 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 3, 2010 -
India Automobile Industry
Executive summary India is a developing country with an emerging automobile sector that grew rapidly over the past few years. It has become Eleventh largest passenger car producer. India is the largest democracy in the world. Recently Indian Government also came up with their �Auto Policy’ and the vision of this policy is “To establish a globally competitive automotive industry in India and to double its contribution to the economy by 2010.” The Indian automotive
Rating:Essay Length: 3,887 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: January 4, 2010 -
Cross Cultural Management of India
We choose India to be an observational country because India’s links with Hong Kong, dating back to the 1840s, have led to the territory having one of the larger Indian communities abroad, with current estimated numbers being about 35,000, of whom nearly 23,000 hold Indian passports. Due to their long presence, the Indians have been able to integrate themselves into the mainstream of Hong Kong life, as can be seen by the number of second-
Rating:Essay Length: 2,572 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: January 5, 2010 -
What Can Enron Do to Salvage the Dabhol Project and Its Ties to India?
Problem: What can Enron do to salvage the Dabhol project and its ties to India? After nine years of an obvious debacle, it seems that Enron and the Indian government have reached a state of impasse, where a sustainable long term relationship cannot be achieved. Enron has chosen to terminate the agreement by offering to the Indian Prime Minister Enron’s 65% equity in DPC for US$1.2 billion and offshore debt for US$1.1 billion. o Various
Rating:Essay Length: 690 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 6, 2010 -
India's Retail Sector
India's retail sector is wearing new clothes and with a three-year compounded annual growth rate of 46.64 per cent, retail is the fastest growing sector in the Indian economy. Traditional markets are making way for new formats such as departmental stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores. Western-style malls have begun appearing in metros and second-rung cities alike, introducing the Indian consumer to an unparalleled shopping experience. Retail sector: on an upward curve India's vast middle
Rating:Essay Length: 441 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 7, 2010 -
Critically Examine Why Financial Liberalisation Brought Financial Crisis in Most of the Asian Countries but Did Not Bring a Crisis in Either China or India.
The government have been using the policy of financial repression now for many years. Financial repression consisted of fixing interest rates below market levels and controlling the allocation of credit. Under developed financial systems, inefficient lending patterns, and failure of distributional goals, all existed. Low savings where noticeable due to negative real interest rates. Macro economic performance fell within this policy, also those countries whom had large negative real interest rates suffered from growth rates.
Rating:Essay Length: 2,046 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: January 7, 2010 -
Finding True Passion in India
1) The Making of YUVA UNSTOPPABLE In May 2005, I quit my job as senior Systems Configuration Analyst at Hewitt Associates in Atlanta, to visit my family in India. I had got the highest scholarship ever offered to an international student at Texas A & M, College Station, Texas. I was to start my MBA in August, 2005. I had come to India after living in the U.S. for eight years. To my shock, I
Rating:Essay Length: 726 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 7, 2010 -
The Decsions I Had to Take once I Discontinued Engineering in India
THE DESCISIONS I HAD TO TAKE ONCE I DISCONTINUED ENGINEERING IN INDIA “Economics is the study of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity and of the results of those choices for society. In trying to achieve their goals, people normally face trade-offs: because material and human resources are limited, having more of one good thing means making do with less of some other good thing.” (Frank R.H et al, 2007, pg.18) I
Rating:Essay Length: 633 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 8, 2010 -
Comparison of Ancient Egypt and India
The geographical features of ancient Egypt and ancient India both had similar roots but at the same time made enough of a difference to shape and create very different societies. For this reason the two are rather similar but equally diverse at the same time. The abundant natural resources made available to these people provided the growth of densely populated and complex societies, with refined cultural traditions. A benefactor of the geography of these lands
Rating:Essay Length: 528 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 8, 2010 -
Executive Summary for Heart of India
The Heart of India is a new quick serve Indian restaurant serving an exceptional experience in fresh authentic Indian food to be located in the Chicago loop near the intersection of Adams and Wabash (See Appendix K). A quick serve Indian food restaurant is a unique concept with an atmosphere of the far-east with the sounds of authentic Indian music bringing flavorful Indian food quickly during lunch and dinner at reasonable prices. The restaurant
Rating:Essay Length: 801 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 9, 2010 -
In What Ways Are the Ideas of Socio-Biology Linked with Eugenics: What's Wrong with Trying to Engineer a Better Society Anyway?
Eugenics is concerned with the current direction of human evolution. Troy Duster (1990) in his book “Backdoor to Eugenics” defines eugenics as "the organic betterment of the race through wise application of the laws of heredity." The word Eugenics was first put to use in 1883 by Francis Galton in his “Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development”. The word originates from the Greek word eugenes meaning "...good in stock, hereditarily endowed with noble qualities".
Rating:Essay Length: 423 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 11, 2010 -
How Does the Portrayal of God in the Movie Compare to Stone’s Ideas About God?
How does the portrayal of God in the movie compare to Stone’s ideas about God? I was raised and taught to believe that there is a God. Someone up above that is watching over me and you at all times. Since I’ve been taught the Bible and have attended Church sessions, I have nothing to tell me otherwise that there isn’t a God or even Jesus Christ. Personally I see God as someone who lives
Rating:Essay Length: 842 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 12, 2010