Structuralism Essays and Term Papers
Last update: July 15, 2014-
Organizational Structure (green River & Aberdeen)
In this Individual Project we will have a discussion on organizational structure and organizational culture. We will assist FMC Green River and Mr. Dailey in what strategies will need to be considered to build inter-group relations and further develop the Green River Facility organizationally. FMC is and has been a successful company for the last fifty-six years. First originated in 1948 and produced 1.3 million tons of various grades of soda ash a year. The
Rating:Essay Length: 1,384 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: April 4, 2010 -
Irish Political History and Structure
The modern political history of Ireland can be separated into two time periods. The first period is it's time spent under British rule as only one territory of the United Kingdom. The second period, which represents the beginning of the modern Irish state, took place during the early twentieth century. The road to national sovereignty was neither easy nor short as Britain was far from eager to let its dependent state go. The first organized
Rating:Essay Length: 521 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010 -
Electronic Structures
Page 1 Electronic structures We have mentioned that the electrons don't just orbit the nucleus in a haphazard way. They occupy energy levels or shells at different distances from the centre of the atom. Electrons always occupy the lowest available energy level. The lowest energy level (the one found nearest to the nucleus) can hold just two electrons. Some people refer to this as the first or innermost shell. The second energy level can hold
Rating:Essay Length: 1,810 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: April 13, 2010 -
Structuralism of the Novel Disgrace
Structuralism of Disgrace The dictionary definition of structuralism says: an approach that explores the relationships between fundamental elements of some kind. Coetzee’s stylish writing is rather post-structural in its’ views than structural, it is David the protagonist of the novel who is set in his structural ways. Coetzee prefers to write his story with more interest in the gaps, silences and absences of his texts. One can see this through his choice of a distant
Rating:Essay Length: 487 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 13, 2010 -
A Brief Analysis of the Structure and Design of Typerite Ltd.
Typrite is a relatively small family owned private limited company based in Warrenpoint, Co. Down. It was established in 1985 and is involved in the manufacturing and distribution of a large range of printing consumables i.e. ink cartridges, laser toner cartridges, thermal transfer fax rolls etc. It sells mainly to businesses, although it does sell directly to the public at it’s manufacturing plant in Warrenpoint. In 2008 Typerite exports it’s products to 33 countries across
Rating:Essay Length: 1,300 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: April 16, 2010 -
State of Michigan's Political Structure
State of Michigan’s Political Structure In researching the State of Michigan’s political structure, amongst numerous other positions, I was able to find that the states two United States Senators are Carl Levin and Debbie Stebenow, both Democrats. I also found that my local, District 8, United States House Representative is Mike Rogers, who is a Republican. For the sake of this paper, I am going to expound upon my local representative Mike Rogers. Mike is
Rating:Essay Length: 1,223 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: April 20, 2010 -
The Importance of Congressional Structure
According to David Mayhew, author of Congress: The Electoral Connection, Congress has many different functions that it performs including: “ . . .legislating, overseeing the executive, expressing public opinion, and servicing constituents” (Mayhew 2004, 8). While all these are important to the role Congress plays, the most important ability is the authority to create laws. Congress derives its power to perform its functions and to create laws, from Article I of the Constitution. Although Article
Rating:Essay Length: 2,669 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: April 22, 2010 -
Stylistic and Structural Choices in Fires in the Mirror: Crown Heights, Brooklyn and Other Identities
Anna Deavere Smith's unique style of drama in her play Fires in the Mirror: Crown Heights, Brooklyn and Other Identities integrates theatre with journalism in order to bring to life and examine real social and political events. Each scene is created directly from an interview that Smith had held with the character, although Smith arranges the character's words according to her own purposes. She captures the essence of the characters she interviews, distilling their thoughts
Rating:Essay Length: 1,543 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: April 26, 2010 -
Capital Structure Analysis - Walmart
Introduction Every business decision is associated in one way or another with the financial condition of the organization. The results of a working capital analysis will assist in the determination of organizationЎ¦s ability to remain in a particular line of business. The primary focus of Team CЎ¦s analysis of Wal-Mart, Inc is its current and future financial condition. The most imperative areas that are found in the Capital Structure Analysis Report fall into the following
Rating:Essay Length: 2,719 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: April 27, 2010 -
Organizational Structure
MBA 621 Organizational Structure Organizational structure plays an important role in day-to-day functions of an organization. The delegation of authority, work specialization, and employee reporting framework are some of the elements that help determine what the organizational structure should be. An efficient structure will facilitate decision making and smooth the span of control or scope managers have over operations. The first and most common structure type that managers would choose for a manufacturing firm when
Rating:Essay Length: 1,155 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: May 1, 2010 -
To What Extent Is Nucor's Historical Performance a Result of the Structure and Characteristics of the Steel Industry?
1.) To what extent is Nucor's historical performance a result of the structure and characteristics of the steel industry? An undeniable correlation exists between the historical performance of Nucor and the structure and characteristics of the steel industry. Nucor struggled in a variety of industries before consolidating operations to focus on the company’s most profitable steel joist business. The inflexibility of the major integrated steelmakers provided Nucor the opportunity to horizontally integrate by building a
Rating:Essay Length: 1,011 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: May 5, 2010 -
Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil Boiling Points and Structures of Hydrocarbons
Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil BOILING POINTS AND STRUCTURES OF HYDROCARBONS The boiling points of organic compounds can give important clues to other physical properties. A liquid boils when its vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Vapor pressure is determined by the kinetic energy of molecules. Kinetic energy is related to temperature and the mass and velocity of the molecules. When the temperature reaches the boiling point, the average kinetic energy of the
Rating:Essay Length: 581 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: May 8, 2010 -
Diversity: The Spice of an Organizational Structure
Diversity: The Spice of an Organizational Structure Diversity and demographic characteristics play an integral role in all facets of organizations. Their impact can be felt in numerous different ways ranging from the euphoric feeling experienced when a company reaches its quarterly revenue goals due to a young motivated sales crew to the disheartening sensation experienced when a sexual harassment dispute rages within a company due to a gender-biased work force. These examples illustrate just a
Rating:Essay Length: 1,328 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: May 8, 2010 -
Germany’s Tax Structure and System
Germany’s Tax Structure and System German Basic Law The power to impose taxes is divided between the federal government and the provinces, determined by German basic law (Taxation in Germany, 2000). Germany follows the principle of world wide taxation for individuals and also corporations (Your Tax in Germany, 2005). Non-residents are taxable only on income received from German companies. Germany also has about thirty varieties of non income taxes that are imposed on such things
Rating:Essay Length: 2,605 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: May 13, 2010 -
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Structural Family Therapy
I. Introduction The paper will be used to further explore intervention approaches and treatment options for the client I did my case presentation on and also a process recording, Amanda. The information presented about Amanda is information gathered during the intake assessment, family discussions, and individual family sessions. The two theories that have been researched and will be used throughout this paper are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and the Structural Family Therapy (SFT) because both
Rating:Essay Length: 1,913 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: May 15, 2010 -
Myths About Famiy Structure
Myths about family structure have perpetuated American society for decades due largely to the difference between family imagery and family reality. Americans have been painted a picture of the “perfect” American family with a Breadwinner father, a stay at home mother, and 2 children in a single family home. The reality is that most families in the United States are forming more nontraditional families. This myth can be traced back to the false images
Rating:Essay Length: 324 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: May 19, 2010 -
Profit Retention Within Various Market Structures
Since 2003, Quasar Computers has been operating as a monopoly; insulated from competition. As our product line matures and others enter the market Quasar should pursue the following actions to prolong our profitability. Prolonging our Products Profitability Proactive Use of the Legal System According to the simulation, our product patents are about to expire and we expect Orion Technology to launch a produce that will directly compete with ours. Team A views this moving towards
Rating:Essay Length: 689 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: May 19, 2010 -
Assess the Degree to Which You Believe ‘the Idiots'reflects Artistically and Structurally the Intentions of the Dogme95 Project.
‘The Idiots' is Lars von Trier's only movie that strictly obeys the Dogme95 manifesto. It is artistically and structurally justified in calling itself an archetypal Dogme95 film. The director avoids any generic thematic pursuits and shuns all forms of technical enhancements used in Hollywood cinema. Instead, ‘The Idiots' presents us with a visually minimalistic, thematically unclassified story about a group of people who live together in a large house, under the leadership of a fellow
Rating:Essay Length: 1,837 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: May 24, 2010 -
Stock Structure of the Cod Fisheries
Stock Structure of the Cod Fisheries Introduction Fisheries management deals with populations or "stocks", usually in reference to geography. A stock is a population or a portion of a population, all members of which are characterised by similarities that are not heritable, but are induced by the environment. A stock may or may not include members of several different sub-populations. Subpopulations are a fraction of a population that is itself genetically self-sustaining. It is the
Rating:Essay Length: 3,923 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: May 25, 2010 -
Critical Analysis of Organisational Structure and Culture in Relation to Business Performance
Introduction From the analysis of the Phrase “Provided the underlying culture is strong, a bad patch will sooner or later end. Properly regarded, setbacks can be instructive. Enduring cultures regard them not as calamities but challenges, and absorb their lessons…..” We can hypothesise that �underlying culture �refers to organisational culture; �bad patch’ refers to a period where business performance is low or employees are moving away form the organisational culture resulting in low business performance;
Rating:Essay Length: 4,973 Words / 20 PagesSubmitted: May 26, 2010 -
Structural Engineering Mishaps and Disasters
Structural Engineering Mishaps and Disasters Hindenburg: An Unnecessary Disaster In the 1930s airships, better known today as “blimps”, were the main source of air travel. During this time, the airships were used for various different reasons such as: bombing enemy targets, patrolling coastal areas, escorting naval ships during the night or through unsafe bodies of water, or used to make luxury flights across the Atlantic. The Hindenburg was believed to be the biggest and most
Rating:Essay Length: 526 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: June 1, 2010 -
Shattered Lives: Exploring the Effects of Class, Race and Educational Attainmnent on Family Structure
Shattered Lives: Exploring the Effects of Class, Race and Educational Attainmnent on Family Structure The Foster Care System is a familiar phrase that is often shrouded in ambiguity. This family structure can be understood as a safe haven where children can lead normal lives despite their misfortunes. To others it is a residence that only magnifies their familial misfortunes. The Foster Care System is defined as 24-Hour substitute care for children outside their own homes.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,181 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: June 3, 2010 -
Criticisms of Talcott Parsons Structural Function
Criticisms of Talcott Parsons Structural Function Criticisms of Talcott Parsons' Structural Functionalism Talcott Parsons' sociological theory of structural functionalism was a dominant perspective of analyzing society until the 1960s. It was particularly very influensive in English speaking countries, especially in the United States of America, since the end of the Second World War. However, its significance began to be questioned, in the 1950s, as a result of increasing criticisms labeled at its discovered inadequacies. Criticisms
Rating:Essay Length: 1,549 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: June 3, 2010 -
Corporate Government - Simple Structure
Government - Corporate-based government structure o Head of government is essentially the president and board of directors of a corporation, with the president being the owner of the company and the board of directors as a �cabinet’ o One director for each aspect of governing (i.e. a Director of Economy, Director of Judicial System, Director of Legislature, etc.) o Each Director heads their own department that controls whatever aspect of government they are assigned o
Rating:Essay Length: 366 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: June 7, 2010 -
Setting up a Pki Structure
There are several advantages to using a commercial PKI over in-house private CA. Although we equate the costs of commercial use in terms of services, there are several factors to weigh when considering in-house services. Weighing the cost of equipment, administration, and liability should be considered during your study of feasibility. For example, when implementing in-house PKI structure the cost of setting up a network infrastructure, must accommodate secure communication, storage, redundancy, backup, maintenance, and
Rating:Essay Length: 731 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: June 7, 2010