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User Janna (horse_44)

General Info

Name: Janna Birth Date: May 3, 1984
City: *** Last Visit: April 13, 2009
Country: United States Joined: March 19, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
April 13, 2009 The Tet offensive 1,472 6 1,548
April 13, 2009 Horace Mann's Education 318 2 1,386
April 13, 2009 Prime Minister 857 4 1,275
April 13, 2009 The Beginning - Charles Cornwallis 2,184 9 1,518
April 13, 2009 Privacy Law in Usa - What Is Privacy? What Makes Our Lives Private? 3,510 15 2,402
April 13, 2009 Marcus Garvey 542 3 1,406
April 13, 2009 Bedroom 524 3 1,285
April 13, 2009 Let Resistance Be Your Motto 424 2 1,213
April 13, 2009 Rise of Us to Power During the 20th Century 456 2 1,975
April 13, 2009 Herbert Croly in the First Person 324 2 1,230
April 13, 2009 An Act of War 306 2 1,539
April 13, 2009 Honduras - Southwest of Miami 2,282 10 1,374
April 13, 2009 Herbert Hoover 551 3 1,222
April 13, 2009 American Women Poets 1,701 7 1,396
April 13, 2009 How Did World War one Change American Society? 1,587 7 2,202
April 13, 2009 Pros and Cons of Drinking 1,033 5 1,355
April 13, 2009 The Abandonment of the Jews 2,204 9 1,682
April 13, 2009 Colonial America Book Notes 1,877 8 1,781
April 13, 2009 More Important Than Money 12,889 52 2,076
April 13, 2009 Sewall's Relationship with Family 1,162 5 1,607
April 13, 2009 Prevent Child Abuse America 553 3 1,866
April 12, 2009 Industrial Revolution Dbq 814 4 3,220
April 12, 2009 The Life of Norman Rockwell 397 2 1,179
April 12, 2009 Views of Adam Smith 1,350 6 1,705
April 12, 2009 Meat Packing Industry 1,014 5 5,419
April 12, 2009 World War 2 384 2 1,639
April 12, 2009 Lethal Tools of Our Past-Weapons of the Frontier 869 4 1,669
April 12, 2009 George Washington 1,086 5 2,710
April 12, 2009 Declaration of Independence 370 2 1,651
April 12, 2009 Stamp Act 319 2 1,413
April 12, 2009 Pearl Harbor 1,126 5 1,059
April 10, 2009 What Was the Process the Immigrants Had to Go Through When They Came to America? 309 2 1,807
April 10, 2009 Thomas Paine and Common Sense 336 2 1,557
April 10, 2009 How Cahokia Was Mighty 687 3 1,250
April 10, 2009 Patriotism 352 2 1,050
April 10, 2009 Vietnam War 1,286 6 3,749
April 10, 2009 Oscar Claude Monet 396 2 1,281
April 10, 2009 Jackson Dbq 661 3 1,579
April 10, 2009 Imperialism Dbq 758 4 3,602
April 10, 2009 Theodore Roosevelt and Progressivism 471 2 1,636

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