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User Mikki (mikki1288)

General Info

Name: Mikki Birth Date: June 18, 1988
City: *** Last Visit: January 31, 2015
Country: United States Joined: November 28, 2008


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
March 29, 2010 Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc 485 2 1,052
March 29, 2010 Greatest Nation 486 2 968
March 29, 2010 Photosynthesis Lab 1,332 6 1,052
March 28, 2010 Assignment: Enron Case Analysis 1,014 5 1,195
March 28, 2010 Political Science 3,391 14 930
March 28, 2010 Stem Cell Research 792 4 853
March 28, 2010 The Immigration Crisis 1,041 5 792
March 28, 2010 The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry and a Critical Analysis of Ranbaxy's Strategies to Build a Global Presence 6,402 26 2,090
March 28, 2010 Movie Review: Enemy at the Gates. 422 2 1,204
March 28, 2010 American Revolution 374 2 1,118
March 28, 2010 Unseen Hope Give a Synposis of the Book 748 3 911
March 28, 2010 The Desolate Child 626 3 873
March 28, 2010 Watergate Burglary 727 3 1,110
March 28, 2010 Article: Patient-Physician Communication: Why and How 357 2 1,020
March 28, 2010 Chalcopyrite 541 3 900
March 28, 2010 Julius Caeser 825 4 884
March 28, 2010 Child Abuse - a Child Called It 1,867 8 1,359
March 28, 2010 Romeo & Juliet the Movie Vs. William Shakespeare’s Play 1,021 5 2,740
March 28, 2010 Internal and External Factors 1,797 8 1,148
March 28, 2010 University’s Students'perception on English as a Medium in Their Learning Environment. 3,286 14 1,036
March 28, 2010 Diversity Incident Analysis 541 3 982
March 27, 2010 Napoleon Bonaparte 1,923 8 1,198
March 27, 2010 Jeraldo Friends Are Forever 578 3 904
March 27, 2010 What Degree of Addiction Can Be Considered a Disease/medical Condition, Excusable for Misconduct? 492 2 820
March 27, 2010 How Has the Level of Employment/unemployment and National Minimum Wage Legislation Impacted on the Economy as a Whole and How Will This Effect the Economy in the Years to Come? 1,613 7 1,345
March 27, 2010 What Is Beauty? 333 2 1,193
March 27, 2010 Motorola Case Study 988 4 916
March 26, 2010 Interactive Simulation Paper 1,077 5 2,560
March 26, 2010 A Clockwork Orange: A Critical Analysis 1,916 8 3,297
March 26, 2010 Plastic Surgery 369 2 951
March 26, 2010 Music Censorship 2,612 11 1,238
March 26, 2010 Book and Co. 375 2 952
March 26, 2010 Pre-Marital Sex 1,268 6 2,238
March 26, 2010 The Code of Hammurabi 765 4 1,065
March 26, 2010 Animal Farm 515 3 1,035
March 26, 2010 Thomas Henry Huxley 1,034 5 1,625
March 26, 2010 Summary of "value/evaluation" by Barbara Hernstein Smith 1,289 6 1,579
March 26, 2010 The European Wasp 657 3 976
March 25, 2010 Oscar Wilde and His Fairy Tales 936 4 1,860
March 25, 2010 Counselling Skills 1,040 5 4,071
March 25, 2010 History of Motorcycles 1,488 6 1,183
March 25, 2010 Capital Punishment 300 2 1,045
March 25, 2010 Does Death Symbolize Heroism in Uncle Tom’s Cabin? 1,450 6 1,271
March 25, 2010 Roman Life 1,146 5 1,003
March 25, 2010 Scuba 464 2 885
March 25, 2010 Legalizing Marihuana 1,032 5 1,107
March 25, 2010 Evolution V Creationism and Lds Beliefs 2,029 9 1,278
March 25, 2010 Geography, Topography, and a Political Perspective 1,777 8 1,432
March 24, 2010 Advertising and Public Relations in the United States 1,812 8 1,317
March 24, 2010 Antigone 1,883 8 1,160

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