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User Vika (yppi)

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Name: Vika Birth Date: February 4, 1982
City: *** Last Visit: July 15, 2009
Country: United States Joined: February 16, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
April 10, 2010 Ebuisness Models 1,505 7 1,121
April 10, 2010 Pardoner’s Tale 644 3 2,234
April 10, 2010 America's National Pastime 276 2 1,211
April 10, 2010 Prejudice 509 3 1,185
April 10, 2010 Teacher 1,440 6 1,061
April 10, 2010 Great Gatsby 1,236 5 1,334
April 10, 2010 Id Cards 793 4 1,503
April 10, 2010 The Founding Brother: James Madison 1,501 7 1,406
April 9, 2010 Summary and Analysis Of: Things Fall Apart 673 3 1,361
April 9, 2010 Jetblue Front End 881 4 1,262
April 9, 2010 Geographic Segment 953 4 1,365
April 9, 2010 Functions of Management 855 4 1,390
April 9, 2010 Organization Culture Inventory 3,014 13 1,223
April 9, 2010 Eddie Money - International Terrorism 304 2 1,244
April 9, 2010 Living with Bipolar Disorder 1,349 6 1,425
April 9, 2010 Securing Wlan/lan 377 2 1,029
April 9, 2010 Da Mayor (do the Right Thing) 742 3 1,722
April 8, 2010 Shooting an Elephant, Critical Analysis 793 4 2,641
April 8, 2010 Elizabeth Luther Cary - Everyman 257 2 1,582
April 8, 2010 Hypothetical Working Agreement 944 4 1,513
April 8, 2010 Protein Article Search Nutrition 415 2 1,088
April 8, 2010 Accounting Reporting Criteria Paper 1,036 5 1,396
April 8, 2010 Incidents in the Life an Slavegirl 473 2 1,278
April 8, 2010 The Thematic Paradigm 438 2 1,626
April 8, 2010 Comparison of Chopin and Liszt Etude 434 2 1,435
April 7, 2010 Hizbullah and the Deconstruction of Terrorism 424 2 1,027
April 7, 2010 Representation of Women in Early British Literature 1,698 7 1,472
April 7, 2010 Taming of the Shrew Critical Lens 464 2 1,555
April 7, 2010 Araby 361 2 1,198
April 7, 2010 Korean War 745 3 1,278
April 7, 2010 Oodgeroo 634 3 998
April 7, 2010 Scotland 1,176 5 1,301
April 7, 2010 Utterly Fresh 1,095 5 1,052
April 7, 2010 Financial Ratios 1,059 5 1,293
April 6, 2010 Black Boy 355 2 1,300
April 6, 2010 Socrates: Guilty or Innocent of Charges? 2,127 9 1,661
April 6, 2010 Scarlet Letter 319 2 1,005
April 6, 2010 Witchcraft in Hollywood 1,787 8 1,404
April 6, 2010 The Causes and Conequences of Global Warming 825 4 1,088
April 6, 2010 What Role Does the Landscape Play in Contributing to Three Australian 2,597 11 1,271
April 6, 2010 Henry David Thoreau 1,058 5 1,257
April 6, 2010 Confessions Paper 1,335 6 1,286
April 6, 2010 System Administration 484 2 1,010
April 5, 2010 Emerging Markets of Latin America 1,424 6 1,300
April 5, 2010 A Man for All Seasons 831 4 1,441
April 5, 2010 Legal Aid Projects Try to Abolish Gender Hierarchies in India 288 2 1,075
April 4, 2010 19th Century Women 1,665 7 1,723
April 4, 2010 Derivative Security Assignment 723 3 1,035
April 4, 2010 Organizational Structure (green River & Aberdeen) 1,384 6 1,351
April 3, 2010 Social Security 875 4 1,143

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