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The Pharmaceutical Industry is a rip off as are they’re cohorts …

Some of you may recall an article written by Mike Adams, a natural health researcher and independent journalist who wrote an article a few years ago on massive medical fraud exposure and how pharmaceutical companies were paying off doctors to prescribe drugs and run sham clinical trials; Well I thought the subject was worth revisiting so I thought I’d piggy-back off of what was written; and express my views on the subject as well.

Prescription drugs are so profitable -- some drugs are now sold at more than 500,000% markup over the actual cost of their raw ingredients -- that it’s no wonder drug companies will do and are doing practically anything to sell more pills. Have you listened to all the latest diseases or aliments that the American people alone are suffering from these days? Part of the mystery is what is causing the never-ending parade of newly developed diseases and where are they contracting these diseases from? Well let’s see….

Could it be that the pharmaceutical companies invent fictitious diseases and urge doctors and parents to dose their children and themselves with powerful narcotics? It’s no secret (except to those who are still firmly holding on to their naivety) that they conduct fraudulent clinical trials, making sure to bury any negative results that would show how dangerous their drugs really are. They buy the favor of the media by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into magazine, television, newspaper and online advertising. They pressure the FDA into delaying the ban on extremely dangerous drugs in order to squeeze out another twelve months of profits even while patients are dying from drug-induced liver failure.

Have you listened to the television ads for most of the drugs they’re trying to convince you to put into your body. Perhaps not, since the announcer is spilling off the dangerous side effects at the rapid speed of a nanosecond even a confirmed genius will find it difficult to coherent what all the warnings are. You may hear a portion of what’s being said, “Do not take this medication if you are nursing, pregnant or think you might get pregnant; have high blood pressure, glaucoma; heart medication; over 50; under 30;etc. etc. etc. Basically I’ve deciphered them to mean,” If you’re currently breathing don’t take this medication.”

And yet it's business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry: drug maker, one of the largest drug companies in the world (name intentionally omitted), has been outright bribing physicians to prescribe drugs and operate sham clinical trials.

How it works is: doctors who prescribed the drug company's products and avoided competing drugs were paid "consulting fees" of tens of thousands of dollars. And I bet you’re wondering what kind of consulting did these doctors do? Well, it’s the kind of consulting that requires nothing more than signing a blank sheet of paper and cashing the check, of course. And thousands of doctors participated in this criminal scam, collecting untold sums of money in exchange for hyping (name withheld) pharmaceuticals to patients. (No question on Medical ethics, here?).

And the sad part about all this is that these drugs are almost entirely unnecessary. There's not a single chronic disease that's actually cured or reversed from any prescription drug in existence. All these drugs do is treat symptoms by masking them and barely keep the patients alive long enough to write another check to cover their growing medical debt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all prescribed drugs are worthless; because I do trust that pain-killers are a necessary component in some cases for those desperately needing relief from constant or excruciating pain but drugs as a whole are basically being used as a money making operation instead of for their they intended medical

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