Culture in My Organization
By: Tommy • Essay • 712 Words • February 23, 2010 • 1,157 Views
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Culture in my organization
I work for government funded non-profit organization Catholic Charities. I will address few organizational behavior aspects in my organization: communication flow, diversity and language. Effective commutation in every organization is important and it leads to success of one organization. It is a widely recognizable fact that the communication flow is what keeps any company or organization running. However, if the communication process in the organization is in some kind of a gap, or miscommunication happens then the company has a major risk of losing
control over the business. If everyone in organization communicate well it will assert certain standards and put the professionalism at the higher level. It is important that everyone is on the same page with a new processes and roles. In today’s businesses diversity is more present than ever before. Having people with different background and skills is one of the most important benefits for one organization.
In my organization communication flows in accordance with an organization chart and we have two ways of communication process, official and un-official. In the official communication is directed form the top of the organization toward the bottom hierarchically organized system. Official communication process goes form a CEO to division directors. The division director transfer it to program director and program director communicate with his or her staff. In un-official communication some decisions and approvals can be made without the CEO in our organization. For instance, when we are bounded by certain deadline and the process of getting an approval from the CEO takes time then the person in charge of the matter can make the decision. The other example of un-official communication is when the information does not go through the already identified channel. It rather travels from one department to another or form division director to program director. In the case like that the division director or program director take charge and communicate with their staff abut the chances, prognoses for the matter at hand.
Organizations that have diversity in their workplaces are more likely to grow and become more innovated. One of the biggest strengths of my organization is diversity in languages. In my department we have thirty-five employees and we can speak fifteen different languages. Diversity in my organizations helps us to meet our goals and overcome everyday challenges. Also, it helps