The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on the Telecommunication Industry
By: Kevin • Research Paper • 1,634 Words • February 13, 2010 • 3,792 Views
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The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on the Telecommunication Industry
University of Phoenix
MBA 501
Forces Influencing Business in the 21st Century
January 22, 2007
The intent of this paper is to perform an analysis of the cable industry’s external environment. The first sections of the document will discuss environmental scanning and define the telecommunication niche that is currently occupied by cable operators such as Comcast. The next section will identify the macroeconomic variables that currently impact cable operators and will compare two variables to two corresponding industry variables. The final section of the paper will identify some of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. An external analysis of the industry will provide a clear picture of the environment as well as any opportunities and threats faced by Comcast. By understanding the environment, opportunities and threats a company has the ability to create strategies to support its business goals. The primary process by which Comcast will gain an understanding of its external environment is environmental scanning.
Environmental scanning
Environmental scanning “is the acquisition and use of information about events, trends, and relationships in an organization's external environment, the knowledge of which would assist management in planning the organization's future course of action.” Choo (2001) As explained by Gazzale (2007) all businesses external environment are made up of three facets “: 1) the remote environment (macroeconomic factors including inflation, GDP, interest rates, etc.), 2) the industry environment (barriers to entry, the level of competition within the industry, etc.), and 3) the operating environment (the business's customers, suppliers, and workforce, etc.).
Telecommunications Industry (Cable)
Comcast Cable is part of the telecommunication industry which is defined as “extension of communication over a distance. In practice it also recognizes that something may be lost in the process; hence the term 'telecommunication' covers all forms of distance and/or conversion of the original communications, including radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking.” Anonymous, (2007). “The US’s premier operator in the broadcasting & cable TV market is Comcast. Its 2005 revenues of $22.3 billion places it firmly at the top of the sector; while the company attributes revenue growth of 9.6% to the business innovations which Comcast is deploying in the search for new revenues.” University of Phoenix (2007) While Comcast provides many different types of services and products this paper will concentrate on one of its primary services which is cable operations, as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); code 517500 Cable and other program Distribution. “This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged as third-party distribution systems for broadcast programming. The establishments of this industry deliver visual, aural, or textual programming received from cable networks, local television stations, or radio networks to consumers via cable or direct-to-home satellite systems on a subscription or fee basis. These establishments do not generally originate programming material.” NAICS (2007)
Macroeconomic variables that affect the cable industry
Some of the macroeconomic variables that impact the cable industry are gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, trade, interest rates and unemployment. GDP is defined as “the market value of all goods and services produced in an economy.” McConnell, Brue (2004) pg 92 Increases in the GDP is a strong indicator of positive economic growth. Positive economic growth puts more disposable income in hands of consumers which allows consumers to dedicate more of their income to entrainment. The opposite is true if GDP is flat or shrinking consumers have less disposable income. As this disposable income decreases consumers become more selective in how they spend their entrainment dollar. These changes in disposable income impacts the cable industry’s subscriber numbers through subscriber churn (subscriber leaving) and premium services churn (dropping and adding premium services), these changes