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Bringing Back Dorothy

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Bringing Back Dorothy

  The city of Oz, ring a bell? Yellow brick road, ruby shoes, green horses and much more. The one that the film makers made. Hmm? Well where do you think they got the story from, certainly not their heads! No one of the dwarfs thought it’d be funny to “make up” a place called Oz and sold the story to the humans. Well when he came back he was executed for potentially revealing our location and putting us in danger of humane culture. Anyways here is the real reason I Kriss, am here let’s go 10 years back.

  A healthy happy city with green trees and little houses with little people and big houses with big people. There were witches, dwarfs, and normal sized people, and of course the Council. A group of people together conceived of many individuals who together help run Oz. Recently then Oz was saved by a girl named Dorothy, yes Dorothy. No she didn’t wear a blue frilly dress or ruby red shoes. No she wore an all-black combat suit and led Oz out of the clutches of the Wicked Witch of the East into the hands of victory. Of course she had a powerful army consisting of many types of people and things, but the most important individual there was her mother Glenda the Good Witch. Yup, and man was she powerful. With force and grace she left the council to help lead Oz to freedom. Unfortunately she died in battle. Now you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this. It’s because we need Dorothy back, yup we need her back.

  I know what you’re thinking “Why isn’t she still there.” Well it’s because she wanted to make changes to Oz to help them become stronger so that this sort of thing wouldn’t happen. The Council said no though, and told her to change how she see saw things become a quiet, nice, selfless, girl and don’t cause attention and she would be fine. Dorothy was outraged after everything she had done for them they were pushing her down and telling her to change herself for the sake of their careers. No, she didn’t think so. So that night she left Oz and went to the human world where she could be who se wanted to be and not have to lie to herself about it. I know shocking right.

 Well now Oz has fallen once again into the clutches of another witch, but this time it’s the Wicked Witch of the West (WWW) for short. Yeah, the Council should’ve listened to Dorothy. Now our once bright, hopeful, prosperous land has turned dark, dingy, and lifeless. Now I have tried to tell the Council to try and bring back Dorothy but they just won’t listen. So therefore I’ve taken it upon myself to find her. I’ve hacked into the Council records (not an easy task) and found out her location, San Francisco, California. That’s where I’m headed tonight. I leave at midnight when it’s least suspicious, I’ve packed a backpack full of supplies and some Oz specialties which should last me a couple of months. Haven’t told my family nor my friends. I’m really putting my life on the line here, but if it means to save Oz then so be it because if I don’t get back Dorothy then I don’t know what we’ll do.

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