By: Venidikt • Essay • 317 Words • January 20, 2010 • 818 Views
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Imagery –
Dancing daffodils
Simile –
I wandered lonely as a cloud.
This simile compares the wandering man to a cloud drifting through the sky.
The wandering cloud is lonely because there is nothing up there that high in the sky beside it. It can pass by unnoticed, touching nothing. Also, the image of a cloud brings to mind a light, carefree sort of wandering. The cloud is not bound by any obstacle, but can go wherever the whim of the wind takes it.
continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way.
This refers to the dancing of daffodils in the wind being like that of a mass of stars in the sky.
This line creates the image of the wind blowing the tops of random daffodils up and down in a haphazard matter, so they appear to glint momentarily as their faces catch the sun.
Metaphor –
I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils.
This states the daffodils are in such abundance that they resemble a crowd of people and a host of angels. The word crowd brings to mind an image of the daffodils chattering amongst one another, leaning their