Building an Ethical Organization
By: Jessica • Essay • 2,367 Words • January 5, 2010 • 1,243 Views
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Building an Ethical Organization
The concept of this organization was inspired by a dream of a place that young people and adults could come to for refuge and help, who suffered from being Bipolar or having any other Mental Health issue. Along with them being Bipolar and having Mental Health issues, they also suffer from the addiction of drugs or alcohol or both. There are facilities that help those that have mental illnesses and have bipolar disorder. They also have places that help those that addicted to drugs and alcohol, but experiencing this first hand, there is no place that offer this type of treatment, at least around our area. These young people and adults need special care and understanding. They need to know that there are others out there just like them and they are not alone.
Description of Organization
Services our organization provides are counseling for both individual and family. We offer assistance to those who having difficulty dealing with having a mental health disease and has a disease of alcohol and drug addiction. Our facility specializes in those who suffer with a “Bipolar” condition who has also, been drawn into alcohol and drugs.
Those family members that have dealt with all the phases of the bipolar condition and the alcohol and drug addiction have put their lives on hold. They need help in claiming their lives back and putting some type of order in their day-to-day living. For so long now they have been taking care of and managing the life of this person in their life that has needed structure and assistance. We are here to help both the person with the illness and the family start to re-live their lives again.
We are a non-profit organization who relies on donations, grants and volunteer work to help run our organization. Helping people should not be for gain and profit, it should be for making a life better and able to cope with each day life brings. The donations and grants do have to pay for those items that it takes to run the organization and properly care for all the individuals and families that come through our doors. There is also state funding that helps with some of the cost, since we do see individuals and families for the state.
Mission Statement
The mission and goal of our organization is to be the stabling force for those who suffer from Mental Health conditions and alcohol and drug addiction. For those who want to turn their lives around and live productive lives, our organization will be there to assist them and their families through every step, no matter how hard those steps may be. May we all stand strong and help one person at a time.
Our mission statement will support our ethical system because our organization will have one main goal and that is to help and assist those individuals and families who have suffered through many years of turmoil with the mental condition and then with the addictions. Any leader or staff member that cannot abide by those guidelines and the mission statement of the organization will not be welcomed within our doors. Our guidelines and policies will be simple and uncomplicated. We do expect that all leaders and staff members to uphold all moral and ethical guidelines that we will publish for the organization. Those that cannot abide by those guidelines will not stay very long within our organization. We want the very best in helping our individuals and families.
The message that our mission statement sends to the community is that we are committed to helping those in need and their families. The individuals and families have to be willing and be ready to turn their lives around really want help. You can give help to people all day long, but unless they are ready, it really does not help them. They have to at the point in their lives that there is nowhere else to go and they want something better for themselves. It will not last, unless they are willing to help in the process. The community can see in our statement that we care about others and we want the best for those who want the best for themselves.
Values Statement
This Organizational Value Statement is the guide to the daily actions and decisions of our leaders and staff and represents the standards that they will use to measure all individual and collective actions.
 Commitment to Excellence:
We are committed to achieve our goals and our mission in an effective and efficient manner.
 Commitment to Client Services:
Our leaders and staff will be committed to all clients and to the community by showing a caring and supportive role to all. We will be respectful to the needs of our clients and to the community around us. Our