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Honor Killings as a Defense for Dismissal

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Honor Killings as a Defense

For Dismissal

Brian Lawrence Kavanagh

Long Island University Post

Honor Killings as a Defense


Cover…………………………………………………………….                1

Abstract……………………………………………………………..                3

Sex before marriage………………………………………………...                4

Reasoning behind honor killings…………………………………...                5

Protection of family………………………………………………..                6

National issue………………………………………………………                7

Countries defense…………………………………………………...                8

Experts view………………………………………………………...                9

Media impact………………………………………………………..        11

Patriarchy……………………………………………………………        12

India example……………………………………………………….                12

Pakistani view………………………………………………………                13

Conclusion………………………………………………………….                13

Reference…………………………………………………………...                15


Honor killings are a huge part of middle eastern societies. Women get treated and disrespected like never seen before. Women should have the same standards as men just like we do in the united states. It is truly disgusting that these countries let this go on. This essay explains what honor killings are, how they take place and what we do/should do to try and help these people who have to go threw this.


Worldwide the idea of killing a member in the family is considered honorable and justifiable in many cultures. As many know, American citizens don’t tolerate this type of action and don’t allow it in this country. Many questions and worry about these situations, and try to put an end toward this type of injustice. If someone of a particular household “shames” the family name, they will be sacrificed and killed in various countries. This popular idea of an honor killing usually involves the female in the family. When the female dates the wrong guy, has sexual intercourse with the wrong guy, or is seen with a guy that is not approved by the family, the parents have the right to kill the female. This can also happen when one chooses to partake in same-sex intercourse or if the victim is raped. Honor killings are far too common around the world and they are causing an uproar with many angry women around the world. This type of injustice must come to an end no matter what culture or religion you believe in. Honor killings are inhumane and should not be used as a defense for dismissal in court cases.

                                Sex Before Marriage

        To define these horrible murders, an honor killing can be described when a female dishonors their husband and embarrasses him. The woman has no choice in these situations, and the husband decides her fate. When a woman does something that is considered morally wrong in their culture, it is a representation of her husband or family name. One expert states, “Female adultery and premarital sex are the most severe violations of patriarchal community norms in certain societies and the ones that elicit the harshest punishment” (Parrot, Cummings, 2006). These examples of sex before marriage and having sexual intercourse with a taken man, are just two of the many reasons why innocent women get killed. Also, most of these killings are performed in the Middle East, and they are held to teach the victim, and the people of the community a lesson.

Reasoning behind honor killings

Honor killings, also known as crimes of passion, are completely relevant and popular in many nations other than the United States. The numbers of these homicides increase year by year at an alarming rate. More and more cultures are starting to adopt this practice and they are also implementing it into their religion. It has been proven by many sources that, “The United Nations estimates that more than five thousand women worldwide are killed each year in the name of honor” (Parrot, Cummings, 2006). This figure was recorded in 2006, so the number of killings has increased from then to now. This newly popular idea of crimes of passion is growing tremendously and nations who don’t practice it are wondering how to put a stop to it.

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