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Honor Killings

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Honor Killings

            One of the most violent and controversial acts in the world today are honor killings. Honor killings are the premeditated murder of a relative, usually a young woman, who has allegedly dishonored her family. Honor killings often occur in communities that stress an importance on reputation which is most often seen in Muslim and Hindu communities. The reasons for dishonor vary throughout different locations and cultures around the world. For instance, reasons for honor killing in countries with a large Muslim population can occur when a woman is refusing an arranged marriage, seeking a divorce, or simply for potentially being involved in suspicious and dishonorable behavior. Honor killings are not specifically found in only Muslim communities, but it is where the majority of honor killings occur. Other communities also believe in honor killings like in Hindu tradition but it is not as common. Reasons for honor killings according to Hindu law and tradition are that an honor killing can occur if the woman marries or has romantic involvement with someone of another caste. It is believed that if a woman does any of these things it is seen as a dishonor to her family and it effects not just the young woman but family members as well. It often results in “her male relatives will be ostracized and her siblings will have trouble finding suitable spouses.” It effects them in such a way that killing the woman is perceived as the only way that they can restore their families honor.

            Since honor killings are violent acts that are seen as inhumane in our eyes, should we try to get a thick description of the act? A “thick description” specifies many details, conceptual structures and meanings, as opposed to a “thin description" which is a factual account without getting an in depth interpretation as described by Clifford Geertz (2nd Textbook). The reality is that judging the people who take part in honor killings and believe in them does not help to stop them. If we understand what the people are thinking and going through, then we might be able to find a way to help them come to the realization that it wrong. So if we don’t get a thick description on the act and instead choose to get a thin description, then there would be no way to get a better understanding. It is also very important for people to understand that while it is wrong, we have to realize that it is a part of the reality of their culture and have to be respectful in how we go about it and make sure it is not condescending. This does not mean that it is being condoned or accepted but it is a different way to approach the topic of honor killings. Fighting hate with hate, won’t end hate but it will only increase it. People are more likely to listen if they feel it is coming from someone who is who is not trying to take away from their culture, but enhance it in such a way that ends a very violent practice.

            Gender based violence against women is one of the most controversial forms of violence in our world today. Honor killings are one of the many forms of gender based violence against women. In addition to having violent deaths “victims are erased from history and the existence and prevalence of honor-based violence in any particular society is difficult to assess.” The lack of regard for human life, specifically women, is just one of the many reasons that honor killings need to be stopped.

History suggests that violence against women, which would now be considered as “honor based violence” has occurred in many societies and in many historical periods. “Laws, which appear to promote violence against women for the expression of sexual autonomy, are notable in Assyrian law codes dating back to 6000 BCE, and the codes of Hammurabi. Within the Bible, in Numbers 25:6-19, the figure of Phineas slays both a man and a woman in the temple for marrying across racial boundaries” (” These killings date back for thousands of years which makes it difficult to stop since they are engraved as a part of the culture for so long. These are just a few of the earliest forms of honor killings that we know of and while some tried to stop them they were unsuccessful as they are still occurring today.

            To have honor is believed to be a balance of having good virtues and reputation. Honor is seen as a reflection of the family as a whole, making the decisions of the child all that more important. Keeping the families honor is done through moral goodness, high mindedness, and obedience. Achieving honor is done so by doing what one is told to do, whether it is who they are to marry or following the life path that is decided by the family and society. Women are expected to maintain their own fragile honor through complete conformity to social

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