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Abortion: Pro-Life Vs. Pro-Choice

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From the day you are born, learning and education are the most important skills for survival in today's society. The most valuable thing learned on your journey of life is the ability to distinguish "Right from Wrong", both technically and morally. Though easy at first with the minor day to day issues we deal with, it can become quite difficult when more pressing issues are placed in front of you. Many things influence a person's judgment. While one person believes that their view is the absolute truth, another sees that person as idiotic and uneducated. The important thing to remember when making a decision is to be open-minded, and push the outside influences away so that you can see both sides of the issue and make a decision for yourself. Is there really a moral right or wrong, or is it just a view point?

One of the big issues today is Abortion. Abortion is defined as: Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. The two sides of this issue are Pro-life and Pro-Choice. My goal is to give you and introduction to both sides of the issue, a few views form supporters of both sides, and finally my personal views and feelings. This is not intended to influence you to make a a decision one way or the other, but instead to enlighten you to judge for yourself.

The Pro-Life side is more commonly defined as the argument against abortion. It has many different view points. One of the most common is religious. Many people have expressed their opinions in support of this side. One particular would be "Why Abortion is Immoral" by Don Marquis. He shows in his argument how Pro-Life supports generalize a fetus as an innocent human being from conception, and how they expect it to have the same rights as you and I. To these supporters abortion is wrong in every sense and they try to offer alternatives such as adoption. They also have points that are made from a feminist stand point. Generally they say that Pro-Choice is a man's concept to escape responsibility for his actions. Whatever truths that point may contain, it is not the sole factor in the Pro-Choice argument. In Jane English's argument she says that even if you don't consider the fetus a human, abortion is no more justified then the torture and killing of animals. In the end, even with adoption, how many women can acrry a baby for nine months, give it away, and stay in a good emotional state?

The Pro-Choice side is often mistakenly defined as the argument for abortion. Actually it is not an argument for abortion as much as it is for a woman's right to chose. Some Pro-Choice supporters are totally agaisnts abortion, but are in favor of the woman's right to choose. This side tend to not personify a fetus until birth, therefore giving it no right to life and leaving the choice of what a woman does to her body to her. Though Pro-Life supporters consider a fetus as an innocent human being, some people can justify abortion still. In Jane English's

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