During the Last Decade the World Has Witnessed a Staggering Elevation in Serial Killings
By: Fatih • Essay • 1,545 Words • January 15, 2010 • 1,041 Views
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During the last decade the world has witnessed a staggering elevation in serial killings.
To give some insight into the scale of the problem posed by the serial killer, in the United States can be gained from examining the statistics for just one year. In 1989 (the last year for which detailed figures are available) there were 21,500 recorded homicides, of which some 5,000 are unsolved. Unofficial sources believe that as many as a hundred serial killers may be at large at any given time. Add to this the number of known victims of serial killers, then between 3,500 and 5,000 people are killed by serial murderers every year. (Lane and Gregg 3)
These numerous multiple murders, often without consequence and justice, have shocked civilized society with incomprehensible acts of inhumanity. Horrific amounts of body counts and volumes of spilt blood accompany the discovery of each new serial killer. The indescribable events associated with each murder leave such unanswered questions as: what deviations lurk in the mind of a serial killer, what provokes an individual to commit such hideous acts, and what can be done to reduce these inconceivable murders?
There are a set of variable elements, which distinguish the "serial" murder from the single-incident ("normal") murder, the "mass" murder, and the "spree" murder. The "mass" murder can be defined as an act in which a single assailant kills a number of people during a short period of time in roughly the same geographical location. The "spree" murder can be defined as a multiple number of killings, which take place during a short period of time, hours or days. The "serial" murder exhibits five distinct sets of characteristics, which help distinguish it from the "mass" murder and "spree" murder. First, the killings are repetitive ("serial") and often escalate over a period of time, sometimes years, which will continue until the killer is taken into custody, dies, or himself is killed. Second, the killings, like "normal" homicides, tend to be one-on-one. Third, there is no, or very little, connection between the perpetrator and the victim. Fourth, although there may be a "pattern," or "victim trait," individual murders within a series rarely display a clearly defined or rational motive. Fifth, there is usually a high degree of redundant violence, or "overkill," where the victim is subjected to an excessive level of brutality.
Characteristics of a serial killer are imperative in demarcating the type of person capable of committing a serial murder. "Most known serial killers are 25-35 years old" (Falk 85). "It is also significant that the victims of serial murderers are not concentrated in any age range" (Falk 85). "Serial killings are almost always committed by white males instead of blacks because class resentment is far more likely to occur to a person with a good education than someone without an appreciation of how society works" (Falk 85).
To truly understand the phenomenon of serial murder one must know what motivates a person to commit such a horrendous crime. Patterns of serial killing fall broadly into two categories of motivation: "Extrinsic, where the impulse to kill is located outside the killer’s psyche-that is, he perceives a rational reason for murder in outside situations and events" (Fox and Levin 12). "More frequently the motivation is intrinsic to the psyche of the killer, whether or not that motivation is apparent to an independent observer" (Fox and Levin 12). Closer psychological analysis of known cases indicates that serial murders fit into one of four main types according to the predominate homicidal motivation: Visionaries, Missionaries, Hedonists, and Power Seekers.
Visionaries include killers who act in response to "voices" and alter egos, where "instructions" received serve to justify and legitimize the act of murder. David Berkowitz better known as the "Son Of Sam" is an example of a visionary who claimed that his delusional persecutions by demons were responsible for the shootings and killings of his 17 victims. "I am the demon from the bottomless pit here on earth to create havoc and terror. I am War, I am death. I am destruction" (Elliot and Leyton 151)!
Missionaries are comprised of killers with a self-imposed nature, which feel responsible for purifying society by expelling its undesirable components. Peter Sutcliffe better known as the "Yorkshire Ripper" justified his slaying of 20 women with a warped perception that any woman out after dark must be a prostitute and should be eliminated in order to "clean-up" the world.
A hedonist, a complex category where pleasure is the reward for murder,