Silicitudo Rei Socialis
By: Kevin • Essay • 778 Words • December 31, 2009 • 721 Views
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Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
(Concern for Social Realities)
Encyclical Letter of Pope John Paul II, 1988
Major Areas of Concern:
 Authentic Development
 North/South Gap
 East/West Blocs
 Solidarity
 Option for the Poor
 Structures of Sin
 Ecological Concerns
Historical Note
• Came on the 20th Anniversary of “Populorum Progressio”
• Written before the full impact of glasnost made itself felt in international relations.
I. Introduction
1. Social doctrine seeks to lead people to respond to their vocation as responsible builders of earthly society
2. It is marked by continuity and renewal
3. Current encyclical celebrates 20th anniversary of the development of peoples, emphasizes need for fuller concept of development
II. Originality of the Development of Peolples
A. Application of Vatican II
1. It responded to call of The Church in the Modern World
2. It applied Council’s teachings to specific problems of development and underdevelopment
B. Originality of Message
1. It emphasized ethical and cultural character of problems connected with development, and the legitimacy and necessity of Church’s intervention in this field
2. It affirmed worldwide dimension of social question, and hence the duty of solidarity between rich and poor
3. It asserted that the “development is the new name for peace,” challenging the arms race and linking peace and justice
III. Survey of Contemporary World
A. Unfulfilled Hopes for Development
1. Twenty years ago there was widespread optimism about possibility of overcoming poverty and promoting development
2. But in general the present situation is negative:
a) innumerable multitudes suffer intolerable burden of poverty:
b) many millions have lost hope, seeing their situation worsened.
B. Widened Gap between North and South
1. Developing countries are falling behind developed in terms of production and distribution of basics
2. Unity of world is compromised, with division into First, Second, Third, Fourth Worlds
3. Cultural underdevelopment shown in: illiteracy, lack of participation, exploitation, religious oppression, racial discrimination, etc.
4. Right of economic initiative, for service of the common good, is often suppressed, frustrating people’s creativity
5. Totalitarianism makes people “objects”
6. Other form of poverty exist, e.g., denial of human rights such as right to religious freedom
7. Causes of worsened situation include:
a) omissions on part of developing countries;
b) lack of response by the affluent world;
c) mechanisms (economic, political, social) manipulated to benefit some at the expense of others
8. Interdependence separated from ethical requirements is disastrous for both rich and poor countries
C. Specific Signs of Underdevelopment
1. Housing crisis, experienced universally, is due largely to increasing urbanization
2. unemployment and underemployment grow, raising serious questions about the type of development pursued
3. Global debt, forcing debtor nations to export capital, is aggravating underdevelopment
D. Political Reasons for Underdevelopment