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Half Life 2 Strategy Guide

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The sequel to what many call the greatest shooter ever, Half Life 2 again

seats you in the pants of Gordon Freeman. Gordon, an M.I.T. graduate with

a doctorate in Theoretical Physics, is not your typical action hero.

He is, for all intents and purposes, a nerd. But what he lacks in sheer

testosterone, YOU make up for.

Half Life 2 begins a number of years after the ending of

Half Life. Having been corrected on how long that has been, I'm

not sure if revealing it would ruin the game or not.

The only things that have remained the same are yourself, and the G-Man.

The G-Man is an enigma. He can move in and out of your world with

effortless ease, and always seems to be twelve steps ahead of you.

If you recall from Half Life's finale, the G-Man had given you a

choice. In a manner of speaking. You could either follow him

through a teleportation ring and accept a job... or stay behind

in the border world Xen to fight an endless stream of alien Grunts.

The correct "choice" was to accept his proposal. This left you

stranded in a limbo like dimension. Until now.

From out of the void the G-Man's all too familiar, halting speech reaches you.

It seems the time has come for your, as he puts it, limitless potential

to be tapped. For some reason that is beyond your scope, you have been

chosen to once again be the right man in the wrong place.

-= HL2 =-

2) Getting to know Gordon

This time around Gordon has a few new tricks to pull out of his miraculous

HEV suit.

An upgraded version of your suit, dubbed the Mark V, has a number of

improvements over the old one. Lets go over them, as knowing when to

use each ability has tremendous advantages.

- The Zoom Function

Contrary to the demos shown at E3, you CAN NOT fire while zoomed in. The

only weapon in the game that allows for zoomed firing is the new Crossbow.

The HEV suit's zoom is merely for scouting purposes. Don't overlook that.

Just because you can't zoom in with your pistol doesn't mean the zoom is

useless. To use the Zoom function, press and hold the "Z" key.

*Note: Thanks to Brakman 18 for pointing out that the Zoom Function

can be used with Vehicle weapons.

-Speed Booster

Drawing on your suits new Auxiliary Power unit, mechanics in your legs

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