Information Management
By: Max • Research Paper • 1,911 Words • January 28, 2010 • 1,030 Views
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Running Head: Use of Information Technology within Organizations
Use of Information Technology within Organizations
Manish Shah
Carmen Mercado
Ruby San Agustin
Kim Nguyen
Michael Irizarry
CIS 570 Information Management in Business
Date 8/5/2006
This overview discusses the use of information technology (IT) that team members observed within the various organizations in which they are employed. We will first describe hardware, software, databases, and networks the team members observed. Then, we will recommend improvements to existing systems. We will also evaluate how the changing business environment has affected the decisions team members’ organizations have made in their use of information technology. Finally. we will compare the various the organizations’ technological capabilities.
Table below summarizes hardware, software, database, networks and platform ware we observed.
Company Hardware Software Platformware Database Networks
Optical View
Agilent PC MS Word Windows XP Oracle Internet/Intranet
Servers Java MS Access
Storage Devices SAP
The hardware is the physical component of a computer, which encompasses the digital circuitry. Hardware does not change that often it’s usually a stable fixture unlike software and data which can be modified to serve the end users needs. Firmware a type of software seldom if ever needs to be changed it’s stored on the hardware, this item is read-only-memory or (ROM) since it is infrequently changed it is firm instead of soft. Computer hardware is not seen by the end user. It is implanted in systems like automobiles, microwave ovens, compact disc players and other machines and devises.
The classic personal computer has a case or chassis it’s a desktop or tower shape and includes these parts: Motherboard with space for upgrade cards and these additional parts:
Central processing unit (CPU), Random Access Memory (Ram) for short term data storage and program execution, Basic input / output system (BIOS), Buses: PCI bus, PCI-E or ACP bus, USB, CD, DVD, Floppy disk, Internal storage, This just a mention of a few of the features of course there are many more parts that comprise the hardware.
Software part of the computer structure encompasses the encoded information or computer instruction in contrast to the hardware that is used to store and process information.
Platform software includes the basic input-output system or firmware a graphical user interface which lets a user interact with the computer and its peripherals. Platform software comes with the computer. Applications software are what people think when they think of software, examples are office suite, videos games. Application software runs independently of the computer and is purchased separately in most cases and might be suited for a particular platform.
User written software is modified systems to meet the end user’s particular needs. Some examples are spreadsheets templates, word processors, scientific simulations, graphics, animation scripts, and brochures templates. Users create the software themselves depending on how good the integration is it could appear to have been purchased.
Database are a collection of data defined as a collection of records or parts of knowledge. There is a structural description of the kind of facts in the database this is called a schema. The schema identifies subjects in the database and their correlation to each other; there are a number of ways to organize a schema. The most frequently used model is the relational model, consisting of rows and columns. The hierarchical and network models use