Netg Simulation
By: Mike • Essay • 791 Words • February 18, 2010 • 713 Views
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NETg Simulation Summary
Decision making is the process where you choose an appropriate course of action from among two or more available options. Decision making is an important process because it creates change. There are differences between decision making and problem solving. The differences between decision making and problem solving was that with decision making, change is desired within an organization and with problem solving, a problem is required to exist within an organization.
Decision making occurs at three levels. Those levels are individual, group, and organizational. The individual level occurs when individuals make decisions based on his or her personal needs or wants. The group level occurs when there are individuals who share a common goal. The organizational level occurs when small groups share a common goal. There are three components to a decision. Those components are situation, consequences, and organizational system. The situation is where a scenario prompts a decision to be made. Consequences are possible outcomes of a decision with a possibility of negative result. The organizational systems are how decisions affect your organization.
Decision makers are the individuals who make the decisions and are responsible for the outcome of decisions made. The three characteristics of a good decision maker are decision makers must make sound decisions, must be enthusiastic, and must be detail oriented. The two processes that must be done before making a decision are identifying the issue, and understand the issue. Identifying the issue is recognizing the issue to determine the best course of action to take. Understanding the issues is identifying the causes of the issue and enables a person to determine options to prevent the issue from repeating.
There are six steps to making a decision and best remembered using the acronym DECIDE.
DECIDE stands for devise objectives, establish options, compare options, identify the best choice, direct the choice, and ensure results. With devising objectives, a person is able to focus his or her attention on what they want a decision to achieve. By establishing options, a person has a variety of decisions to choose from. Comparing options is comparing the pros and cons of each option also determining the strength and weaknesses of each option. Identifying the best choice is identifying the risks, repercussions, and weighing in all the aspects. Directing the choice is making sure the decision is set up for success by ensuring that the decision is compatible with organizational procedures and that the decision is implemented immediately.
There are three characteristics to determine if a decision was successful. The first characteristic is that the decision