By: Tommy • Essay • 786 Words • November 8, 2009 • 1,541 Views
Essay title: Abortion
This wonderful nation, otherwise known as The United States of America, is one that prides itself on the right to choose. Some however, feel it is alright to take the right to choose an abortion away. In the United States thousands upon thousand of children are born into poverty and have to deal with less than decent conditions. Millions of other children have to deal with horrible physical, mental, and or sexual abuse. None of these children should have to deal with any of this. If a woman knows that she is not able to care for her child, or that her child may be born into such conditions, then that mother should be able to have and abortion to prevent such atrocities. Although abortion may not be for every woman, abortion should be valued more in America.
While some may say having an abortion is selfish, others believe that bring an unwanted child is selfish. If a woman is in a stable relationship but does not have the best of jobs she should not be forced to have a baby that she is not ready to take care of. That woman should be given the choice to terminate the pregnancy. That woman is the only one who can say definitively that she is or is not ready to take on the responsibility of raising a productive member of society. It would be more selfish to have a child and leave them for the state to raise, or leave that child to fend for themselves. That would not only be a burden on the taxpayers but that particular child would have to lead a life of struggle and hardship. Some may say that bringing a child into this world without proper preparation is one of the most selfish things someone could ever do. Having the right to choose an abortion not only shows value for oneself, but all tax paying Americans also.
Here in America, people are given the right to choose. Unfortunately, some people are born with genetic defects. When a woman finds out that she is a carrier of one of these dreadful disorders or defects, then that person or couple should be able to determine if he or she wants the pregnancy to continue. For approximately every pregnancy there is a test give as a screen a woman to see if she is at a higher risk of delivering babies with a few of many defects. If the screening test comes back positive then the parents are give more extensive testing. If at this point the test is positive parents are given the choice to end the pregnancy. If this choice was