Business Management
By: Mike • Essay • 644 Words • November 13, 2009 • 1,574 Views
Essay title: Business Management
MGMT 4327 Notes-for Test #2- Ch # 4-8 Date: __July 17th 2006
Chapter 4
75 Personality. Represents the overall combination of characteristics that capture the unique nature of a person as that person reacts and interacts with others.
75.Personality combines a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels.
An understanding of personality contributes to the understanding of organization behavior, in that we expect a predictable interplay between an individual’s personality and his or her tendency to behave in a certain way.
As the determined and of personality, in garment consists of cultural, social, and situational factors.
77 Self-esteem and self-efficacy are two related aspects of the self-concept.
People high and self-esteem see themselves as capable, worthwhile, an acceptable, and tend to have few doubts about themselves.
78.Social traits are surface-level traits that reflect the way a person appears to others when interacting in various social settings.
The “big five” personality traits include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientious, emotionally stable, and openness to experience.
Extraversion is a “big file” personality the mansion, that is associated with being imaginative, curious, and broad minded.
79.Personal conception traits represent the way individuals tend to think about their social and physical setting as well as their major beliefs and personal orientation concerning a range of issues.
The extent to which a person feels able to control his or her own life is concerned with a person’s internal-external orientation and is measured by Rotter’s, locus of control instrument.
81.Someone who views and manipulates others purely for personal gain has a Machiavellian personality.
Self-monitoring reflects a person’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to an external, situational (environmental) factors
82.Individuals with a Type A orientation are characterized by impatience, desire for achievement, and perfectionism.
Values are broad preferences concerning appropriate course of action or outcome.
83.Terminal values refer to a person's preferences concerning the ends to be achieved.
84.Courageous, Loving, Logical, and Independent are examples of an instrumental value.
In Allport’s classification of human values, aesthetic values referred to the interest in beauty, form, and aesthetic harmony
88.Demographic characteristics are the background variables that help shape what a person becomes.
Stereotype occurs when one thinks of an individual as belonging