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Culture and Oppresion

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Essay title: Culture and Oppresion

From chapter three passage to racism I read about race relations relative to specific periods in American history. The first readings pertained to Native Americans and how they were enslaved due to their barbarous natures. I also read on how treaty after treaty was broken, and how Indian land was taken and how Native Americans were simply pushed west. African slavery was then talked about. I couldn’t believe Africans were made slaves simply by their color of skin. The darken skin was considered defective in religion and savage in behavior. I also read of the handling of slave. I read that some were simply beaten because it was a certain day in the week.

I then read of racism as it pertained to Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and Puerto Ricans. With the Chinese I couldn’t believe a race could endure such racism for working the jobs most Americans had already walked away from. Japanese also saw the same racism for the same reasons. Mexicans, who had lived in this country before America gained possession of certain states, also saw racism and ill treatment. Puerto Ricans who are citizens of this country also see racism. They are used as cheap labor, are seen as inferiors due to skin color in our social system.

Chapter four dealt with politics and the justice system in term of race. I couldn’t believe that Native Americans could not vote until 1924. I also read on how underrepresented Native Americans are in Congress. I also read on how Mexican American voting has expanded and how Mexican Americans’ level of education has risen. I also read on which political parties authenticities support and typically vote.

In regards to the criminal justice system I read that African Americans are 25 more times represented in prisons. I also read the higher the proportion of minority group members and the more segregation the higher arrest rates. I then read of violence toward minorities. From Indians to African Americans they both have been victims of white violence. I learned to the beginning

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