Demonstrating Mastery of Basic Listening Skills
By: Artur • Essay • 1,362 Words • December 12, 2009 • 1,139 Views
Essay title: Demonstrating Mastery of Basic Listening Skills
Rose Diaz May 21, 2006
Demonstrating Mastery of Basic Listening Skills
I went ahead and continued with the same people who had helped me the other time. In the last session, Mrs. Garcia came to see me about getting help for her two daughters and herself. The counselor where Mrs. Garcia's daughters attend school suggested she come and meet with me. The counselor also recommended that Mr. Garcia would benefit from attending some of the sessions. Now I will start working with Mrs. Garcia and her daughters. Later we will try to get Mr. Garcia to join us in some of the sessions to help his daughters and his family.
I will be working this session with one of Mrs. Garcia's daughters. The schools concerns are: The girls are not attending school. When they do attend, they will not attend their classes. The school is working with the mother, but the girls are not cooperating. The mother's concerns are the girls are not attending classes, so the school is threatening to take them to court or withdraw them from school for lack of attendance. Mrs. Garcia is also distressed over the fact that her daughters are displaying symptoms of depression. They stay in their room and will not communicate with anyone. One big factor here is the girls are identical twins. Mrs. Garcia as well as the school counselor feel the girls are feeding off each other. Mrs. Garcia also feels the home environment is adding to the confusion with the girls.
My first session is with Alejandra Garcia. Alejandra prefers to be called Alex. I will start the session with Alex and her mother since Alex is underage. I need to go over some issues with them and then I will continue the session with Alex alone.
The Introduction
Hello Mrs. Garcia I am glad to see you again. This must be Alejandra. I am told she prefers to be called Alex. Hello Alex my name is Rose Diaz and I am here to meet with you concerning school, home and family issues. Alex I will be able to meet with you for 50 minutes, which start after your mother, leaves the room. Mrs. Garcia and Alex nod in understanding. What is being said between us is confidential unless you give me permission to speak with other professionals. These include your doctor, school counselor or family. Mrs. Garcia tells me she will sign a consent to release information form to Alex's doctor and school counselor. Alex's doctor and school counselor will also be working with her. The only time I will reveal what we have discussed is if you are a threat to yourself or to others. Alex asks me if this is in case she would try to hurt herself in any way. I tell her yes. Both Mrs. Garcia and Alex tell me they understand. Mrs. Garcia in reviewing your insurance forms, the insurance will pay for each session not to exceed 15 sessions a year for each family member. Your only duty is to pay your co-pay of fifteen dollars at the end of each session for each family member. Mrs. Garcia says she is fine with that. Do any of you have any questions before we begin? Both Mrs. Garcia and Alex shake their heads and say no. Okay, Mrs. Garcia if you would kindly please leave the room.
Alex and I discuss the issues about home and school. At home, Alex is concerned with her parents fighting all the time about money problems. Alex feels it is not fair for her mother to work and her father to collect her paycheck. The constant arguing between the parents is disrupting the whole family environment. Alex tells me she has two other younger siblings who she feels are also being affected by the constant arguing. Alex feels that being the oldest twin she has a responsibility to her other siblings in protecting them. She also feels she needs to protect her mother. This is the reason they stay in their rooms. Alex feels that if they are not present during her parent's fights, they will have less to argue about. Alex wants to know what she can do to stop the arguing. We discuss the option of telling her parents how she and her siblings feel about their constant arguing. Alex