Father/son Relationship in Henry IV and V
By: David • Essay • 659 Words • December 15, 2009 • 1,655 Views
Essay title: Father/son Relationship in Henry IV and V
Shakespeare deals with a parent-child relationship in the historical plays of Henry IV Parts One and Two in the characters of Henry Bullingsworth (Henry IV) and his son Hal (Prince of Wales, later Henry V). The fact stands clear in the development of the son, Hal: the son’s success in life is not dependent on his relationship to his father politically, but success is demonstrated when there is a realization of both parties on the level of parental love. Hal is not living up to his name, but also to blame in his father’s failure to love. Our discussion is based solely on the text itself, based primarily on three main dialogues between Hal and his father.
The first dialogue demonstrates the father as he is concerned about the family name and general confrontation with the son regarding his unruly life style (I Henry IV, III, ii). Two items of background need to be mentioned. First, Hal’s unruly lifestyle includes spending much time with the inevitable Sir John Falstaff. It is generally accepted that the substitute “father” figure of Hal’s prodigal youth is found in the character Falstaff. Second, the father’s argument finds its way back to his struggle to get where he is today.
The King asks the rest to leave so that he and the prince may talk. In his first speech, we see the father trying to cope with the lifestyle of one of this very own. His speech includes such questions as: what have I done to make you this? (“I know not whether God will have it so/For some displeasing service I have done” III, ii, 5-6); do you realize that you are not a ting like a prince? How can you live such a lewd life (Tell me else,/Could such inordinate an low desires, …Accompany the greatness of they blood,/And hold their level with thy princely heart?” 11,17, 18). We se the parent trying to retain some sort of respect that he feel has been lost. Hal, in his estimation, is living a double standard. Hal is trying to comprise the life of a prince and the pleasures of the lewd. (This is correct in some respect, yet there needs to be realization of the question: Why?)
The prince’s response to these accusations is an honest one. There is no denial of his life style, and he shows general respect for what the king has said.
So please your Majesty, I would I could/Quit al offenses
With as clear excuse…I may for some things
True, wherein my youth/Hath