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Functions of Public Relations

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Essay title: Functions of Public Relations

Functions of Public Relations

The functions of Public Relations (PR) divide loosely into two categories: organizational or societal. The categories are not exclusive because many aspects of the functions fall into both categories. Organizational functions of PR involve activities that relate to or involve organizations while societal functions of PR involve activities that relate to society. Communications management and employee relations are organizational functions while marketing communications and social responsibility are societal functions. An organization must project a positive image to the public and within the organization. To project this image successfully, organization must meet deliveries in both categories of PR functions.

Organizational functions are internal to a company. Wikipedia defines communications management as “the systematic planning, implementing, monitoring, and revision of all the channels of communication within an organization and between organizations” ( Communications management is crucial to delivering the correct message to every employee, every investor, and every third-party receiver. Communications should be well prepared, informative, and the message the organization wants delivered. Internal communications become external communications and the message shared over the dinner table or in the grocery aisle should be one an organization wants shared. A well-defined and monitored communications channel is one of the first steps in positive internal PR.

Another organizational function, investor relations, is defined by as “activity to which the company discloses information required for investment judgment timely to the stockholder or the investor” ( Stockholders or investors are the financial stakeholders of an organization. Accurate information is crucial for this group to make decisions on transactions relating to the organization. Providing a stockholder with information needed in a timely manner helps to ensure the investor continues to keep an interest in the organization. Following proper accounting practices and publishing the outcome of audits is vital to positive investor relations. Enron and MCI did not follow this basic function and there were not enough PR functions available to appease stockholders. Communications management also plays a role in investor relations because communications delivered to the internal organization eventually becomes external communications. Incorrect information could give the public a negative opinion of an organization and affect the stock price, which in turns affects the stockholder.

Societal functions are external to an organization and help promote a positive, credible, and trustworthy image. Organizations try to present a positive image to the public and marketing communications is one way to deliver a positive message. Seitel (2004) defines marketing communications as “other marketing-related functions, such as creating brochures, sales literature, meeting displays, and promotions” (chap. 1, p. 10). Brochures, sales literature, promotions, and other external communications are a means to connect with the public. Successful marketing communications informs the public of the service or product an organization offers as well as informs the public about the organization itself.

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