Is the System Awash?
By: regina • Essay • 1,638 Words • July 15, 2009 • 1,363 Views
Essay title: Is the System Awash?
Is the System Awash?
Most Americans are unaware of the problems of the poor, it is hard to imagine the challenges of poverty, the daily fears of victimization or the frustration of not being able to provide for a child. These central ideas along with many others have plagued the United States' economy for most of its history. What do we do with the poor? Who are they and what can we do to help them? Well the answer is a mix between individuality with a strong relativity to the central government. It is here that we find our argument and it is here that we find ourselves at bay with many sensitive subjects. I believe that it is the government's responsibility to provide for the nation, but it is up to the individual whom is given to, to make a difference with what is given to them. With such problems as minimum wage, unemployment and little to no affordable housing it is hard for the poverty stricken individual to gain some if any ground at all in their quest to rise up out of the bonds of destitution. There needs to be a "battle plan" if you will to attack this issue of poverty head on. It is here that my plan comes into effect. Many propose simply giving them some sort of aid in food or money and being done with it, what I propose is that you give a little and they take it much further than what was originally thought possible. It is not simply the act of supporting them for the rest of their lives, it is the act of providing a strong foundation for which they can build upon. An outstanding quote from a man by the name of William McDonough states (chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), "Issues of equity and social cohesion are issues that affect the very temperament of the country. We are forced to face the question of whether we will be able to go forward together as a unified society with a confident outlook or as a society of diverse economic groups suspicious of both the future and each other."(Collins, Leondar and Sklar 280)
In a broad view the general public knows not of the hardships that a part of the country goes through each day. I had the opportunity to go to college in Kentucky my first year of schooling. The school that I went to was Union College in the Appalachian Mountains. I really wanted to leave the northeast and relieve myself of all the pressures that are so commonly apparent in our region. While in Kentucky I was extremely close, at times too close to many poverty stricken families. It was here that I was given a lesson, not in the classroom but outside of it. I found that many more people than I originally thought live in very sub-standard conditions and own next to nothing. I felt tremendously blessed by the whole experience. I realized that coming from a relatively large metropolitan area being very close to Philadelphia I had not realized that poverty condemns many more people a day to a hellish nightmare of living day to day than I had originally thought. I then found out that the general public knows not of its "other" fellow countrymen who live in atrocious conditions and receive next to no help at all. They are not able to help themselves without some type of initiative aid. It was these experiences that lead me to my conclusion of the unknowing general public. With this in mind it is a growing concern to the stability of this nation that the general public does not know of this growing problem and it is growing. With this mentality the general public attributes failure to laziness or lack of ambition. Without some sort of action on this ourselves in a revolution over poverty.
This is what leads me to believe in the "three", three distinct patterns or governmental projects that could and in fact will drastically reduce poverty in America while strengthening the economy. These are wealth taxation, affordable housing and living wages with full employment.
The first is the most important which is full employment and living wages. The previous statement says it all; with full employment and living wages granted it is easy to see how poverty stricken families and individuals could rise up out of their former shackles to a higher standard. The affected area would then have a larger opportunity to raise their savings if they were given the opportunity for a job with some type of livable wages. Which would have to mean that the minimum wage would have to be raised and stabilized for this new program. Also the use of unions or otherwise organized groups of collaborated individuals whom look out for one another in respect to their jobs and well being would greatly increase the potential for a higher income. Adding to this would be the elimination of discrimination of anyone regarding race, gender or religious affiliation would most obviously be instituted if it isn't already in America