Judaism in America
By: Monika • Essay • 270 Words • November 12, 2009 • 1,371 Views
Essay title: Judaism in America
There are several Judaic practices or basic teachings differentiated mainly by stringency, human and spiritual roles. Those practices include Orthodox, Hasidic Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed and Reconstructionist Judaism. Among these practices, there are various beliefs in what or who God is (or G-d, the name not written so that none may deface it), traditions and rituals, and lifestyles, some of which I will detail here.
Orthodox Jews believe that their practices emulate that of the first Jews and arose as other Jews attempted to update or modernize Judaism. While Hasidic Orthodox Jews follow the same Orthodox laws, traditional Orthodox Jews maintain a rationalist approach to their teachings. They believe that the Torah, or Hebrew Bible, was “divinely revealed,” handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai, and teach the Talmud, a written record of interpretation and study of the Torah. The following are obligations for Orthodox Jews: Kashrut, or kosher dietary laws, Orthodox Jews may