Kiterunner Quote Analysis
By: Mike • Essay • 2,432 Words • December 9, 2009 • 2,119 Views
Essay title: Kiterunner Quote Analysis
Ayhan Erman
The Kite Runner Notes & Quotes
Quotes Notes
Chapter 1:
“I looked up at those twin kites. This quote sort of deepens the
I thought about Hassan. Thought thought of the story because
about Baba. Ali. Kabul. I thought you then know that there is
of the life I had lived until the some sort of chemistry going on
winter of 1975 came along and between Hassan and Amir.
changed everything.” (Page 2)
Chapter 3:
”I used to bury cotton wisps in This quote describes the character
my ears, pull the blanket over my Baba as a really loud snoring man.
head, and still the sounds of Baba’s
snoring-so much like a growling
truck engine-penetrated the walls.”
(Page 13)
Chapter 4:
“Sometimes, my entire childhood This quote connects to something
seems like one long lazy summer that has happened before. Where
day with Hassan, chasing each other Amir keeps relating how him and
between tangles of trees in my Hassan would play all summer
fathers yard, playing hide-and-seek, throughout the whole summer.
cops and robbers, cowboys and
Indians, insect torture-with our
crowning achievement undeniably
the time we plucked the stinger
off a bee and tied a string around
the poor thing to yank it back every
time it took flight.” (Page 25-26)
Chapter 5:
“He tipped his chin to Hassan. This quote connects to something
‘Hey, flat-Nose,’ he said. ‘How is that happens in the story again. In
Babalu.’ “(Page 39) the story, Assef fights with
Hassan again.
Chapter 7:
“He stopped, turned. He cupped This quote foreshadows Hassan
his hands around his mouth. ‘For getting beat up in the dark alley
you a thousand times over!’ he said. by Assef and his men.
Then he smiled his Hassan smile
and disappeared around the corner.”
(Page 67)
Chapter 8:
“ ‘Please pull over, Baba,’ I said. This quote shows how much Amir
‘What?’ ‘Getting sick,’ I muttered, has changed. At the beginning of
leaning across the seat, pressing the race he wanted his Baba to be
against Kaka Homayoun’s daughters.” be proud of him. But after the
(Page 84) incident with Hassan, he doesn’t
want him to proud.
Chapter 9:
“ Hassan’s reply was a single word, This quote explains Hassans last
delivered in a thin, raspy voice: sacrifice for Amir. It
‘ Yes.’ “(Page 105)