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Russian Revolution

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Essay title: Russian Revolution

Russian at begging of twentieth century was one of the great powers of Europe. However, in comparison with Britain, Germany, and France, Russia was late in industrialization and economic development. As the out come of the world war one Russian, 900,000 to 2,500,000 Russians were kill. Economically Russia was devastated. 8,000,000,000 rubles in war debts were outstanding. Society was deeply divided and the political structure was fragile and overstrained. The raise of Vladimir Ilyitch Lenin with his revolution, soon the Bolshevik takes the power; new government under the communist control was taking into effect after the first Great War.

In the twenty-five years preceding the outbreak of the First World War Russia’s economic problem were largely agrarian. In 1914, three quarters of Russia’s work force was still employed on the land. Such a high proportion of agricultural workers invariably mean that there are over concentrated of the available work force on the land then there are workers’ workings in industrial factory. Although Russian has most of its work force on land, Russian agriculture was poised precariously between painstakingly won success and occasional utter ruin. Industrial wise the Tsarist Russia were best equipped of natural resource to become a great industrial power. However, Russia possessed large quantities of every conceivable type of material with in its border Russia fail to exploit the resource to the full. Russian industry, faced dilemmas. “ the through of 1905 and the ensuring recession was follwed by sustained recovery aided vitally by an enormous French loan and expansion contiuned through out the first world war.” With most of it’s peasants and workers remaind poor, factory workers intensified their struggle in 1912-1914 there are 5032 the asstrikes broke out, two third of the stike were associated with political demands. With internal economic and political unstable, the great world war soon brought Russian’s economic and political into crisis.

On 28 June 1914 the austrian archduke franz ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, and the Austro-Hungrian government exploited the opportunity to provoke dispute with Sebia. With an unintentional support for the serbisns, an great world war engulfed Europe. The motives of each contry was different, Russia under Nikolai II, he was concerned his country’s prestige and it’s pretention o status as a great power. Following the declearation of war, all section of the population joined in the patriotic enthusiasm. Anti-government strikes and demonstrations were abandones optimism was in the ascendant. however, with the protraction of the fighting into 1915, the railways became overloaded and undermaintained, priority was given to shipping conscripts, munitions and food to the eastern front. Good harvest in 1914 and 1915 were followed by a drop in cereal production in 1916 by 10 percent before first world war. more whreat were ruined by the disruption of war, many other held out for higher prices and turn into illicit commercial vodka. Evern more important was the withdraeal of million of men from their occupation. In the relation to the total male population of working age these numbers were equal to 15% in 1914, 25%in 1915, 36% in 1917, the withdrawal of such large number of men was bound to have far reaching upon

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