South Carolina
By: Edward • Study Guide • 278 Words • December 15, 2009 • 908 Views
Essay title: South Carolina
2. We analyzed the monthly stock return data for the DOW 30 from January 1990 to June 1998. When viewed individually, higher performing stocks are not always the riskiest (as measured by standard deviation).
3. We then formed a portfolio of a combination of high performing stocks and compared its performance. For e.g. we formed a portfolio consisting of Exxon and GE and compared its returns and risk to a portfolio consisting of GE and GM. From the table below, we can see that a portfolio consisting of Exxon and GE has higher returns and lesser risk compared risk to a portfolio consisting of GE and GM.
Exxon & GE GE & GM
Avg. Annual Return (%) 1.76 (23.3 annual) 1.57 (20.5 annual)
Risk (st. dev.) 3.95 5.46
4. We arbitrarily assigned DOW 30 stocks into portfolio's of 1, 5, 10 and 30, and analyzed
each portfolio's performance over the same period (January 1990 to June 1998).
1 5 10 30