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Amy Borwn

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Amy Borwn

Amy Brown is a fantasy artist. She mainly paints fairies and goblins with water color paint. Amy paints in many different themes range from very gothic to cheerful other report focuses on her art and life. It is about the people that inspired her in fantasy art like Brian Froud to sum of her favored movies like the “Labyrinth“. Also, how she stared her painting career and how it got to where it is now. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

When Amy was a child she was greatly influenced by fairys when she was exposed to the works of Arthur Rackham, Brian Froud and Alan Lee. Movies also played a role in her love of fairies, movies like “The Dark Crystal” and “Legend“. When she was in third grade her aunt gave Amy a book that she loved very much. It was the book �Faeries’ by Brian Froud and Alan Lee. She loved it so much that by high school she looked through it so many times the binding had come undone and it was just a pile of loose pages. By then she had memorized each sketch and painting in the book. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Amy’s career as a fairy artist started in 1992. She stared working for an art gallery called Festival of Art. There she started to learn different art techniques, such as design, framing, color, layouts and various art techniques. Working there was good for her because she was around various types of art on a regular basis. She also read every monthly magazines that came to the gallery. At the art galley Amy’s boss, Shawn, asked her to paint a pitcher for a old empty frame she had lying around for many months. Little did her employer know what she had let loose? The mouths pass and Amy devoted more time to fairy painting. She started to sell her works local shops, galleries, and street fairs.

Amy sold her work for several years through various stores and venues. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Then in 1997 she debuted her first website. But it was only for viewing Amy’s art work. It was just an experiment for the time being to see what would happen. Qwickly she started to get emails requesting to purchase her work. The site was re-designed and began selling Amy’s work world wide. Although Amy was happy that so many people enjoyed her work, but she was also frustrated. She hated to spend so much more time processing orders for the new site instead of painting, but it posed a challenge to learn to balance her career. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Early in 2001 Hot Topic stores happened upon Amy’s site and contacted her about licensing sum of her works for the store. The store started sailing some of Amy’s works as stickers and postcards. After they hit Hot Topic Amy’s web site began to multiply at a ridiculous rate. New people were now seeing her art for the first time. Hot Topic went all out and began expanding her line of Amy Brown fairy items. Amy largely credits Hot Topic as being responsible for helping to bring Faeries in to the mainstream. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Amy was trying to find a publishing company that wood publish a book for her art. But no publisher thought that it wood be a good seller. A friend of Amy’s with connections to some well known publishers. The friend offered to help her look for a publisher to do her first art book. Sadly still no luck finding a publisher. Amy knew she could make this work because the number one request froms her customers was for an art book.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Finally Chimera offered to publish the book themselves and they embarked on the job. Amy was very happy for the opportunity that she paid for part of the 1st printing. Then finally the long awaited book came out in January 2003. There was such good success for the first book that they cam out with a second volume nid-2005. Now Amy is currently thinking of ideas for future books. But there are not settled on anything solid yet.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Amy’s state that her favorite things and interest vary. From her website Amy

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