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Assembly Language

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Assembly Language

• Lecture. Lectures will provide you with essential concepts, frameworks, and recommendations for analyzing particular management issues. The lectures assume knowledge of the assigned articles; while they may occasionally reinforce concepts from the articles, they will more often bring in new ideas that complement the readings. You will be responsible for knowing the ideas presented in the articles and in class.

• Case Discussion. Research has shown that the most effective way to learn new ideas is not simply to read or hear about them, but to put them to use in understanding complex, challenging situations. We will use case discussions to 1) apply concepts to understand why specific managerial actions are effective or ineffective, 2) develop different viewpoints on a given managerial issue or dilemma, and 3) synthesize different viewpoints.

Our main tool for learning about managerial effectiveness will be the case assigned for each week. We will use cases in different ways at different times in the course. Sometimes we will use them to illustrate a managerial technique or best practice. At other times, we will use the cases to pose a dilemma, and you will be asked to take the place of a protagonist, analyze your choices and debate the right course.

Because of the importance of cases in the course, you will need to read them carefully and critically. For some of you, this will be the first time you have worked with cases in class. It is important not to get lost in memorizing case details, but instead to focus

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