Behavior Change Project on Importance of Flossing
By: Venidikt • Essay • 1,106 Words • April 23, 2010 • 1,603 Views
Behavior Change Project on Importance of Flossing
I. Identification of the behavior to be changed
My lowest score on the Individualized Health Assessment was in the self-care area.
Therefore, I have chosen to do my behavior change project in the self-care area. I will
work specifically on flossing my teeth. I believe that flossing is more of an advantage for me because I do not floss my teeth often. During a recent dental check up, I spoke with my hygienist about the importance of flossing regularly. I found out that if you do not brush and floss your teeth correctly, plaque can build up in the hard to reach areas
that only floss can reach. Left untreated, it can lead to periodontal disease, the bacteria
can enter your bloodstream and travel through your body. Heart disease, diabetes, and
respiratory disease have all been linked to gum disease. This information scared me a
little because those diseases already run in my family; It really made me want to floss.
II. Preliminary Reflections and Self-Observations from Baseline Data
During the week that I monitored my behavior, I realized some interesting things about
my behavior. I noticed that after I brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth with mouthwash and
walk out of the bathroom. I do not think about flossing most of time. I believe the
reason of why I do not floss may be because growing up, my family members hardly
flossed their teeth and still have good teeth. Therefore, when my dental hygienist tells me
I need to floss, I had the attitude of why should I floss; my family does not floss and they
still have good teeth.
III. Behavior Change Plan and Strategies
I plan to change my self-care routine in a two week period by making a conscientious
effort to floss my teeth at least once a day. I will not only brush my teeth, I will brush and
floss them the correct way. I hope to have the consistency in flossing my teeth on a daily
basis to improve my oral hygiene. I need to stop blaming others for my lack of self
discipline. In the bathroom, I plan to take the floss out of the drawer and place it on the
sink beside my toothbrush to make it readily available; this will also act as a reminder. As
an added measure, I am going to put a post-it note on the bathroom mirror and on my
nightstand. I also may be able to use rewards as an added bonus for my new healthy
behavior. I will buy myself an outfit if I am successful.
IV. Evaluation and Insights
During the project I learned how important it is and how to floss my teeth correctly. I was
not aware of the consequences of not flossing properly. I also realized that I can change my change my old behavior by learning about the negative effects it could cause to my health and having reminders for myself. Having a good attitude and knowing the importance of flossing; I was able to continue to floss daily. I will continue to use my reminders until flossing becomes part of my daily routine. Looking back, I would not do anything differently other than maybe starting this a long time ago before I developed these unhealthy behaviors.
V. Appendix
One Week Observation of Current Behavior
Day 1: In the morning: brushed my teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, cleaned sink, got ready for class. At night: brushed teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, went to bed.
Day 2: In the morning: brushed my teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, cleaned sink. At night: brushed teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, cleaned sink, went to bed.
Day 3: In the morning: brushed my teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, cleaned sink. At night: brushed teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, flossed, cleaned sink, went to bed.
Day 4: In the morning: brushed my teeth, rinsed with mouthwash,