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Brush and Flossing Is Vry Important

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Brush and Flossing Is Vry Important

Hey do you remember when your parents, teachers and dentist would ask you to brush and floss your teeth every day? I am going to remind you guys why it is so important. Good oral hygiene is important, not only for looks, but for general health as well. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular checkups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing can help one in many ways.

Dental cleanings and Exams have many reasons why it is important in your life. The reasons are as follows oral cancer, Periodontal disease, physical health, to keep your teeth, to detect dental problems early, to maintain good oral health, to use your insurance plan, to create a treatment plan, to have a bright white smile, and to prevent bad breath. Im sure you do not want any of these problems to occur within your mouth.

First it prevents oral cancer. Does anyone know what oral cancer is? Do you know what it looks like? Well I will explain; where it can appear and how you can avoid it. Every time you go in for a cleaning the dentist screens you for oral cancer, which is highly curable if it is caught at an early stage (CDC). Oral Cancer can develop on the lips, roof of your mouth, first third quarters of your tongue, floor of your mouth under your tongue, the gingival (gums), the small area behind your wisdom teeth and the inside portion of your cheeks. One can inherit oral Cancer or someone can get it from smoking. With this in mind doesn't it make it want to go and see your dentist?

Periodontal disease is another problem that may occur, also known as bone loss. Does anyone want to have no teeth, loss teeth or even bad breath due to Periodontal Disease? Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place and is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. If diagnosed early, it can be treated and reversed (CDC) . If treatment is not received, a more serious and advanced stage of gum disease may follow. Regular dental cleanings and checkups, flossing daily and brushing twice a day are key factors in preventing gum disease.

I am sure you guys remember your parents and Dentist teach you how to brush your teeth. But I am here to remind you how to do just that! The way to brush your teeth is get as close to your gum line and the lower teeth and bring your toothbrush up, on the top teeth, get close to the gum line as well and bring the tooth brush down. That removes all bacteria that is located towards the gum line as well as your teeth. The way to floss, is wrap the floss around your middle fingers of each hand, Use your index finger and thumb as a guide. Then place the floss in between the teeth and move down towards your gum line, once you get under your gum bring the floss back up to the top of your tooth and continue to the rest of your teeth. This is a great way to start on a good path of healthy teeth and health. Please do this and you will do wonders on your health.

I know it is a hassle going to the dentist every six months but keeping your teeth clean is good for your teeth as well as your health. Studies suggest gingivitis may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke because of the high levels of bacteria found in infected areas of the mouth (CDC). As the level of periodontal disease increases, the risk of cardiovascular disease may increase with it(Readers Digest). You may not think your teeth is a very important part of your body but it certainly is a major part of your health. Your health can be affected drastically if you do not keep your teeth clean.

Other studies have suggested that the inflammation in the gums may create a chronic inflammation response in other parts of the body which has also been implicated in increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke(CDC). Does anyone know or live with someone with Diabetes? Diabetes; People with diabetes often have some form of gum disease, likely caused by high blood glucose, according to the Readers Digest and Center of Disease centers . People with diabetes need to take extra care to ensure proper brushing and flossing techniques are used to prevent the advancement of the gum disease. Regular check-ups and cleanings with your dental hygienist should be followed. Chronic Kidney Disease; A study, conducted by Case Western Reserve University, suggests that people without any natural teeth, known as Edentulous, are more likely to have Chronic Kidney Disease (CDK), than people with natural teeth. CDK affects blood pressure potentially causing heart disease, contributed to kidney failure, and affects bone

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