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Coca Cola Marketing Plan

By:   •  Case Study  •  534 Words  •  May 7, 2011  •  1,578 Views

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Coca Cola Marketing Plan

1.The stakeholders would be any individual or group that asserts to have one or more of the kinds of stakes in Gardasil. The stakeholders may be affected by the actions, decision, policies, or practices of the business, these stakeholders also may affect the organization's actions, decisions, policies, or practices. So in this case the stakeholders would be the FDA, the CDC as well as Merck, also the physicians or any woman that partakes in the drug or the testing of the drug. The positions of each group would be that the FDA has to approve the drug in order for it to be released. The CDC helps with the research to know how many people will actually need the drug. The physicians would be the way that the drug is delivered to the clients.

2. The media is important for organizations like Merck and Company because they offer a gold mine of free publicity. The objective is to learn how to work effectively with

representatives of the media. Media relations is an art, not a science. Those who obtain

outstanding coverage for their organizations, know how to build rapport with the media.

Press Release- News releases are a basic media outreach tool. A release should provoke interest, be connected to something concrete and include a local angle. Begin with a short, attention grabbing headline.

As competition for media time and space increases, IFUW should investigate alternatives

to traditional media including: Online publications, electronic bulletin boards, Web advertisements. Local access cable stations. Corporate newsletters and other community organizations' newsletters. Student newspapers and university alumni publications, Highway billboards/bench, bus, and airport advertising Local radio programs Community bulletin boards Entertainment guides and magazines Tourist information/tourist brochures.

3. Merck should respond to negative publicity and complaints about the product by showing the positive results. When you allow

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