By: wang • Essay • 490 Words • May 13, 2010 • 917 Views
Fact The results of product tests conducted by TNO Nutrition and Food Research
Laboratory in the Netherlands is conclusive and is available on The Science Behind
Our Quality web page.
4 Myth International companies like Coca-Cola are "colonizing" India.
Fact The Coca-Cola business in India is a local business. Our beverages in India are
produced locally, we employ thousands of Indian citizens, our product range and
marketing reflect Indian tastes and lifestyles, and we are deeply involved in the life of
the local communities in which we operate. The Coca-Cola business system directly
employs approximately 10,000 local people in India. In addition, independent studies
have documented that, by providing opportunities for local enterprises, the Coca-Cola
business also generates a significant employment "multiplier effect." In India, we
indirectly create employment for more than 125,000 people in related industries
through our vast procurement, supply and distribution system.
5 Myth
Farmers in India are using Coca-Cola and other soft drinks as pesticides by spraying
them on their crops.
Fact Soft drinks do not act in a similar way to pesticides when applied to the ground or
crops. There is no scientific basis for this and the use of soft drinks for this purpose
Coca-Cola India no. 1-0085
would be totally ineffective.
In India, as in the rest of the world, our products are world class and safe and the
treated water used to make our beverages there meets the highest international
cold drink brands sold in and around Delhi contain a deadly cocktail of pesticide residues". According to tests conducted by the Pollution Monitoring Laboratory (PML), three samples of twelve PepsiCo and Coca-Cola brands from across the city were found to contain pesticide residues surpassing global standards