Communication Model
By: jessica.foster • Essay • 769 Words • April 24, 2011 • 1,367 Views
Communication Model
Communication model
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Arm&Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel
The advertisement illustrates a kid with ice cream stain on his shirt in one picture and without a stain in another picture. Above the two pictures there is an image of Arm&Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel.
In order to explain this advertisement I will use communication model:
Source Encode Channel Receiver Decode Destination
Source – the originator of the message. In this case the source is perceived, because the kid is not the originator, he is only the mean to encode the message.
Encode – designing the message using words, symbols and signs. The kid is used in this ad encodes the message that kids always get dirty and in the picture above his expression shows that he might be in a trouble for getting his shirt dirty, but the picture above illustrates stainless shit after using Arm&Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel. The kid smiles and his ice cream hasn't melted yet, suggesting that Arm&Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel not only gets out stains but also does that very fast. Moreover, the question above the pictures ("Stains too tough for ordinary liquids?") implies that Arm&Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel is not an ordinary liquid and the explanation about the ingredients (Baking Soda plus twice the OxiClean Stain Fighters) was included in the ad in order to show differential advantage of the product. The message was encoded using pictures and words.
Channel – the medium of delivery for the message. This ad was in Cosmopolitan magazine which is considered to be women magazine. That shows that the target market is women, most likely the ones with children, who knows how easily kids can get dirty and who wants to keep their clothes clean.
Promotional strategy – in this ad promotional strategy is to get users of competition to become users of this brand (because they included information about how exceptional they are by showing the ingredients of the product).
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This advertisement illustrates a woman and a child congratulating the father with his birthday and giving him a present – Chesterfield cigarettes.
Source – in this case it is hard to say whether the source is real or perceived. It depends on whether it is only actors who are buying cigarettes for the dad or if it s a real family. Most likely the source is perceived.
Encode – in this advertisement the message is encoded using words and symbols. The message is encoded using family image. It implies that if you care about someone in the same way as a wife and a child cares about his dad, you should buy them a pack of Chesterfield cigarettes.
Channel – this advertisement is very old (1946) and it was in the