Comparison of Pana and Orient Generator Interm of Marketing Stratagies
By: farhan123 • Essay • 4,776 Words • March 17, 2015 • 897 Views
Comparison of Pana and Orient Generator Interm of Marketing Stratagies
Marketing Management project report
Submitted to:
Dr.Farida Faisal
Submitted by:
Muhammad Farhan Shafique
BBA(hon) Sec B
Orient &PANA
We were given a task to choose to different brands with-in same product line. One brand should have effective marketing management strategy and the second brand have in effective management strategy and give 10 reasons to support why brand one is effective and second brand is ineffective. So I have chosen ORIENT as an effective brand and PANA as an ineffective brand.
Effective ineffective
Product category Generator Generator
To gather the data I have conducted two interviews with the producers and two with the consumers. And write down 10 reasons why ORIENT is effective and PANA is ineffective
Established in 1996.orient is working in six countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar.OES is a total, driven-expert with a networked infrastructure of rental power. Orient is also providing electric appliance.
Product range:
Orient is providing form home generators to the commercial generators.
Their prices are relevant. It varies with the generator model.
About PANA:
PANA communication is operating in Pakistan since 1992, in the field of supplying industrial machinery. It is working only in Pakistan.
Product range:
PANA is providing form home generators to the commercial generators.
Their prices are low as compare to orient
Question no 1.
Give 10 reasons why in your opinion Orient has an effective Marketing Management Strategy and 10 reasons why in your opinion PANA has an ineffective Marketing Management Strategy. Each reason should be based on a different marketing concept.
1. Marketing and Selling approach:
- In marketing approach company is more focused on the needs and wants of the customer. AS ORIENT is providing a range of commercial generators and in their view the product quality and services are important. They are more focus on the after-sale services (repair and maintenance, Guide manual) and product quality. The product quality and services are the prime need (demand) of the customer, as their POD is, complete 24/7 product support with comprehensive warranty. Generators are of High quality electrical performance. So Orient has adopted the marketing approach.
- In selling approach the company is more focused on just selling the product rather than on the needs and wants of the customer. As in PANA view the product quality and services are most important as the give answer in the questionnaire but in reality they are more focused on selling their product. As I describe above the prime need of the customer are the product quality and services. Their customers are unsatisfied with the services and rate the maintenance cost high. They are just focusing on prices they sell their product by reducing the prices with low quality products. So the PANA has adopted selling approach
2. Marketing realities of 21st century:
Due to development and inventions the marketing environment has changed significantly, so the marketer’s should adopt strategies to work in such advance marketing environment.
- Orient is currently operating in 6 countries so they have adopted the concept of globalization. They are using network technology to remain in contact with other offices of orient and they have website ( from where their customer can get information. They make the partnerships with the well known brands to market their product such as Metro and Chen one so they adopted the concept of industry convergence. They have a page on face book where the customer can post their views about the product and company (
- PANA is operating only in Pakistan. They have a website but their website is not informative. They have not any page on facebook, twitter, where the customer can post their view and get guidance.
3. Promotion:
Promotion means to communicate the value or market offering to the target market. It is a part of integrated marketing (4ps).
- Orient advertising strategy is well targeted they advertise their product through sale persons, electronic media (internet), print media etc. They advertise home generators through internet and electronic media and newspapers and for the selling of commercial generators which are quite expensive they hire sale person to find and convince customers to buy their products. They give incentive to their sale person who brings more business (commission, bounce).They get place in well known store to market their product (Metro etc.)
- PANA is advertising their product through SMS marketing, Signboard, news paper. Their advertising strategy is not well targeted they are using SMS marketing, and signboard which are not much convincing for a customer to buy the product, Although the marketing through news paper is quit cost effective and targeted but it is not enough to attract customer.
4. Outbound logistics:
Outbound logistics (how the good or product takes out to the market) are the primary activity of the consumer value chain. It adds value in the market offering.