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SVKM's NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)

School of Distance Learning

Subject :Corporate Social Responsibility

Programme : All Semester : I Marks : 30

1. Discuss the CSR practices of any one organization of your choice. (15)

2. Take an example of an NGO and analyze its partnership with different companies. What

are the benefits of such a partnership? (15)


SVKM's NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)

School of Distance Learning

Subject :Information Systems for Managers

Programme : All Semester : I Marks : 30

Q1. Define the term SYSTEM. Requirement analysis and definition is the foundation for any

systems development. It is independent of the approach you take for design. Explain this

statement with example.

Q2. Write a short note on the following:

(i) Knowledge Management System

(ii) Data, Information and Knowledge Flow in Business Process

(iii) Business Continuity Planning


SVKM's NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)

School of Distance Learning

Subject :Business Economics

Programme : All Semester : I Marks : 30

All questions are compulsory (15 marks each)

1. The marginal product of labour in a production process is statistically estimated as MPL

= 10(K/L)^0.5

Currently the process is using 100 units of K and 121 units of L. Given the

veryspecialised nature of capital equipment K, it takes about a year to increase K; but the

rate of labour input, L, can be varied daily. If the

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