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Decisions in Paradise Part 1

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Decisions in Paradise Part 1

Decisions in Paradise: Part 1

Kava is a small island country in the South Pacific. Kava has been plagued with unfortunate circumstances that have brought about one disaster after another. This is a country that is in dire need of some help and aid in the situation of getting the country cleaned up and on its way to recovery. My job is to see what I can do as a part of Target Corporation to help this country recover and continue on a path of growth and success.

Target Corporation has a small presence over in the country of Kava. Part of Target’s goals and values is that the company will have locations accessible to many of their current and potential guests or customers. Target Corporation is all about helping the communities that they are a part of. Target, as a company, is dedicated to helping the community and would help Kava try to recover from all the disasters they have gone through.

According to Kirby & Goodpaster, one of the most favorable aspects of using the scientific method for problem identification is the ease of collecting research data through surveys (2007). One of the ways to know if this is something that the country of Kava needs right now is to come up with a survey. This survey would be designed to ask the general public if Target is a retailer that they would shop at for more products than they currently carry. Would they enjoy or like the convenience of one stop shopping? Through this survey the company can get the opinions of the consumers of the country of Kava and collect any additional information or insights that the consumers might bring up during the survey. As a result of this survey, the company can make an ethical decision on the right way to proceed with the expansion of the company in the Kava market.

One thing that needs to be done is to expand the current location of the Target store or find a new location if there is not enough room for expansion. The Target that is currently in Kava is only one of the minimal stores. Expanding the store to a Target Greatland would introduce new products that would help in times of disasters. Another potential problem or concern that the stakeholders may want to be informed about is the acquisition of land in this country and how much the initial clean up they will be helping with. With all the disasters, the clean up of the surrounding area and the area in which Target buys the land to build a new Target store or expand the current store, may be too much money and not be feasible to do. The stakeholders must understand that the benefit to the community and doing the right thing might outweigh the cost. The benefit to the community would be that it would give them hope in re-establishing their lives, and tourism may resume boosting their economy. Target Corporation having a larger presence

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