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Ethnic Groups

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Ethnic Groups

This was a particularly difficult assignment as a member of the “majority.” I mark the box “White non-Hispanic” when asked the question of ethnicity on a form. It was in 1492 that Columbus discovered a new land. He thought he was in the Indies, so called the natives that were here, Indians. They are more commonly known as Native-Americans now. They welcomed the new “White man” with open arms, and were in awe by the way their dress, their beards, and wonderful technology.

As the white race, there have been many forms of discrimination that we have participated in, and some that we have been succumbed to. One that could be perceived as discrimination towards whites would be affirmative action. Affirmative action is in place to promote positive efforts to recruit subordinate group members, including women, for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. (Schaefer, T. 2006) Whites could see this as discrimination due to the fact that a subordinate may be promoted or hired over them purely due to their status in society. The fact that the white person may be more qualified does not play a role when referring to affirmative action.

This is seen by many as a form of reverse discrimination. When someone who is more qualified for a job is bypassed due to affirmative action is something that I cannot see as right. This shines some light on the way that minorities may have been treated in the past.

Dual labor market is something I have participated in because I have paid money for the services of those that are involved in informal economy. I have not only bought good from someone on the street, but I have also solicited the labor of those I paid cash for. This is something that I did not necessarily need to be involved with. I know that this is not race specific, whether you are participating in by buying or selling, but it is still a form of discrimination,

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