Globalization - Coca Cola Company
By: AmyCui • Research Paper • 762 Words • April 28, 2011 • 2,054 Views
Globalization - Coca Cola Company
Company Profile
In May of 1886, Coca Cola (often referred to as COKE) was invented by Dr. John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. In 1887, Asa Candler another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman bought the formula for Coca Cola from its inventor for $2,300. By late 1890s, Coca Cola was one of America's most popular fountain drinks, largely due to Candler's aggressive marketing strategy. The soda fountain declined in popularity as bottled soft drinks became popular by early 1960s.
Coca Cola has been doing very well in their industry. They are unique, because of their formula. It is the original refreshing beverage that everyone craves after drinking it a couple of times. Company's sales have been going very well according to other beverage companies (mainly Pepsi). Even though Pepsi's revenue is higher, Coca Cola has a much larger profit rate compared to Pepsi. The stock price of Coca Cola is doing well at the moment. It's ranging $63.00 to $63.75. It's all time best stock rate is $65.70. Coca Cola acquires new customers at a daily basis; there aren't many people in the world that hasn't had a Coca Cola beverage. Coca Cola's image is important to them, and they have made sure that it would stay clean and perfect as it is. They do a great deal of advertisements; you can see Coca Cola advertising almost anywhere you go in the World.
A competitive power will help determine how powerful Coca-Cola is in the marketplace. Coca Cola doesn't have a rare product. It does have a unique formula, but other products such as Pepsi can easily be substituted for Coke. Coke has a bundle of resources that can lead to a competitive advantage. For example, Coke has acquired many bottling firms as well as other soft drink and or juice companies. This sets them apart from competitors and gives them an upper hand in controlling the market.
Coca Cola's core competence is brand building. This is what sets them apart from all of their other internal operations. It took generations for Coke to build this global image. Over the years, Coca cola has gained respectable image throughout the United States and across the globe. This core competence made coca cola a household name regionally and internationally.
The SWOT analysis helps point out the strengths, weaknesses, potential threats and potential opportunities for Coca Cola.
Corporate Level Strategy
The company's business line is mainly subjugated vending and restaurant chains in comparison to its competitor Pepsi, which is currently the world's top snack-food provider. It has stated that Coke in contrast with other companies expanded globally, by achieving the status of the most recognized brand in the world. Despite the fact that the company is doing great worldwide it had made a few errors. For instance, while doing business in Japan,